F everyone but the people I love!

Apr 23, 2006 20:18

Why are people so goddamn rude, and judgimental? I already know I'm a bitch and have anger problems but do people always have to label you one way just because your nails are painted black, you have shorter hair and you wear black eyeliner? Its hard to tell which did come first for me "The music or the misery" but, noone knows how stupid that is... I can be a nice person when people arent being annoying or rude, but when people label me because I'm wearing a FOB tee, have black nails or listing to Metallica, or godsmack or somthing, and talking about how I'm learning how to play bass. I guess you can say this is why I'm emo, and if you dont like it then dont be my friend or talk to me but if your doing that just because I say I'm emo and I know I am, then you are being what I'm complaining about!!! So stop being ass holes and get over things! Thats all I'm saying... But any way.... Thats all I have to say! This isnt to be taken personal or anything none of you are what I'm talkign about, I'm just complaining!
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