what. a. day.
a) when i got into school today i spoke to my english teacher, who told me "well, for the 4 positions in the english honor society exactly 5 people applied. so, seeing that there's no reason to hold an election, the 5 of you should just talk it out." and we did, resulting in...me being president of the english honor society.
b) fourth period i had a meeting with guidance regarding college. after the end of said period i made haste to photo class when i encountered a large knot of people crowding the hallway, blocking my way and my view. apparently, i missed the most insane catfight so far this year. the details: two on one, the two being hispanic twins. the whole thing was sparked by a spilled coffee, and included hair pulling, ripped jewelery and a head being repeatedly slammed into a locker. after the crowd moved on all i could see was blood, hair and beads.
c) at the newspaper we recieved a letter from planned parenthood, offering to buy an ad in each issue for the whole year. in the past we've recieved a similar request, but now that we have a new principal there's a slight chance we'll be allowed to run it.
d) THE ABSOLUTE CRAZIEST THING TODAY: I'd rather not pontificate on this, but:
Gifted school teacher arrested on pornography charges
Newsday Staff Writer
September 27, 2006, 2:02 PM EDT
Federal agents, tipped off by Canadian border agents, have arrested a teacher at the Long Island School for the Gifted in Huntington Station on child pornography charges, officials said today.
Michael Kelly Reiner, 46, of East Meadow, was charged with possession of child pornography, but federal officials said they were investigating whether he had sexually molested boys or acted out on sadistic fantasies.
Federal prosecutors said their investigation into Reiner began in August when he was stopped by Canadian officials crossing from the United States into Canada in Ontario.
"Reiner stated, in sum and substance, that he had a fetish for young boys, slavery and cannibalism, although he claimed that he did not actually practice cannibalism," a federal complaint said, quoting Canadian authorities.
"He further stated, in sum or substance, 'I like kids. They're fun. I'm a school teacher for grades four, five, six for Long Island School for the Gifted. I joke with them; I say I'm going to eat them, but I'm only joking; the kids always laugh,'" according to the complaint.
Federal officials here said they were still trying to determine whether Reiner's statements were part of a fantasy world, or he had acted on any of his impulses. Reiner is to be arraigned this afternoon.
The Canadians found thousands of images of young boys in "sexually provocative poses," the federal complaint said. The boys appeared to range in ages from 4 to 16 and wore bathing suits or underwear, the federal complaint quoted the Canadians as saying.
After he was stopped at the border, Canadian and federal agents went on Reiner's Web site, where he talked about running a camp where young males were trained as slaves and eaten.
Authorities said agents of the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement who obtained consent from Reiner to search his home and school computer.