Jun 22, 2010 17:37
Alright soooo the last post i had was about....3 years ago. Yeah lots of catching up.
New highschool band director junior year.
1st chair in band junior and senior year
county, district, state bands and yso junior and senior year
rejected 3x by the same girl (haha btw it was Jenny)
clarinet section leader twice
got kicked out of the house multiple times, the longest being a week
3.141592653589793238462643383971....... yeah I learned pi
working 3 jobs at once
Ranger Buddies. Basically Bffs
Graduation 2009!!!
Virginia Tech
College Marching Band
Academic Probation
Chick Fil A bowl game
Academic Suspension
no jobs
completely screwed for this summer.
Yeah that sums up my past 3 years.
I left out some minor details. Class of 2010 just graduated, along with the last bit of my close friends.
I might continue this? maybe lol