Jun 24, 2006 14:23
yeah!!!! so the past 2 days have been AWESOME!!!!
had to wake up early, but that was the worst part. i went rafting in the shenandoah river (i think)!!! i really went canoeing, but my dad said we were going "rafting". well spent like lots of time on the river just floating and getting stuck. got into some canoe fights with my dad's coworkers (oh yeah, this canoe thing is something my dad & his cowokers do and dad brought us) i got soaked mainly from my sister and dad having bad aiming. haha had lunch, went home and then..........
MARCHING BAND. I think that the new marchers aren't that bad, and that only one of then was retarded enough to be lazy. But i also think that they're going to have to start to pull their weight and start learning those new songs, like nutville and echano because honestly, nutville gave me some trouble when i first read it, and that doesn't happen often. Overall, i think that we'll have a great marching band this year, and i can't wait til the trip. Dad says we might go to a place with amusement parks so those who went yesterday know what that means, ................ MORE ROLLERCOASTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and fun and like everything that we did yesterday =) =) =)
and that brings me to the thing we did on friday.........
YESSSS my plan finally worked. Picked everyone up, and left for Kings Dominion. HAHA it was funny watching my dad interogate JC about his past girlfriends and other stuff like that.... cause he did the whole way to the park. ATE some BK, then finaly went to the park. The only thing unexpected things that happened was the rain and me being later then i said i was. at first it was me, JC, Casey, Allyssa, Emily, Melissa, Nathan, and Carol because TJ, Allison, Mike, and Justine were waiting for the Volcano to start... they waited for 2 1/2 hours..... crazy ppl (but your all still cool!!!) well we finally hooked up and went on rides like the Andaconda, and the Rebel Yell. We also went on the HypersonicXLC.... that was AWESOME!!! the we ate lunch. I think the ride did somthing to JC cause he acted different after the ride, and i never found out why. Went on the grizzly with Allison, TJ, and Justine... and i swear i almost got my hands knocked off for having them in the air haha. Watched TJ do In the Grove 2 in the arcade and went to the white river rapids. my whole left side got soaked because me and Nathan unfortunately hit that one waterfall before the tunnel, then hit the one in the tunnel. Went to the log ride and me, Allyssa, and Casey got soaked because after the second hill, there was a water shooter that nailed us with a direct hit and all of my slothes got soaked. Went to volcano so me and the one's who missed it could go.... but it was closed =( went to avalanche, and that took forever.... and on top of that something happened with Allison, and i don't know what happened either. Me and Nathan went to the Andaconda again, and then hung out with Allison and Justine as we waited for the others..... went on the DROP ZONE.... man that was awesome too..... hehe the azn lady was hitting on JC, and then we went up to the top..... the only part i hate about it is the long wait at the top without knowing when your going to fall. went on another random twirly ride, then on the Shockwave. Me and Allison had headaches when we were done cause our heads banged back and forth between the head rests. Went some more coasters and then... went back to the front of the park. Then we got pictures, and that was fun. Then after the upperclassman left (besides JC) everyone else went to Carls in Fredericksburg.... and living there for 12 years, i can tell you from experience that they have some awsome icrecream and malts there. Then went home and like stayed up til 4:30 with JC and Nathan making and doing random stuff...
and now today i woke up, hung out with JC and Nathan til they left, talked with the cool ppl who were online (TJ and Allison and Justine) and mowed the lawn... and then i wrote this in full detail because im sooooooooooooo boreddddddddddddddddd hahaha
haha im defiantely bored right now so i wrote KD in full detail... but i couldve gone more if you wanted. I defiantely want to go to KD again SOON and I'm going to plan another trip next year and invite pretty much the same ppl (if they're here) cause they're the all the best friends that i could ask for.
oh and..... aww i forgot oh well.... the pictures i got from the park are GREAT!!!!!!!!!
you guys are gona LOVE them