so much for our unicorn ranch.

May 30, 2012 01:40

Vanessa wants to call me, but I still can't speak about it. The only person I actually told was my mother, in the initial moment of shock, and after the words came out of my mouth, I knew it would be a long time before I could speak them again: Kyle died. One of my best and closest friends; the bearer of my secrets, the supporter of my crazy ideas, the sharer of so many intimate and ridiculous experiences. We obviously did not see the world exactly the same, but I feel we were very similar in many ways; his perspective was always the easiest to understand. It was us vs. "them" more often than not, even if one of us sided with "them" we would back each other, and later debate amongst ourselves. A bond of brothers. (Or at least what I imagine to be.)

I haven't told anyone else. I can't. I sent two texts, I had to write my managers a note, my father still doesn't know, none of my friends that don't know him (outside the immediate circle of Steph/Shelb/Maine). And I haven't talked about it with anyone, despite receiving many FB messages offering a phone number and an ear. I think everyone I'm immediately surrounded by understands that if I want to, I will.

Admittedly, there are some things I would really like to talk about... but this isn't one of them.
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