Oct 03, 2011 09:15
1. I did not find charcoal gray work trousers that fit and will last and are not dry clean, after two days of searching. I did buy a cotton jacket on clearance, though.
2. I love sleeping when it's cool out. I slept with the windows open, snuggled under blankets.
3. A book I am reading has many annoying typos. Very annoying. As in, the same word appearing twice in the same sentence, once where it belongs and once where it...doesn't.
4. I need to prepare my panel notes for CapClave. Also pack. Yes, I know it's two weeks away.
5. I wish to escape my current state of whiny don't-wannas leave me alone. Suggestions?
6. I know someone looking to sell a World Fantasy Con membership. Contact me if you would like to buy one.
my life