Ramm. Stein. and "Garrow's Law"

May 04, 2011 09:00

Today is my Friday - I have the next two days off from the dayjob, which I need really, really badly. Tomorrow night, I see Rammstein!
feklar and I are staying overnight afterwards, as it's a long drive.

I seem to have injured the ball of my foot somehow (sesamoid area). Not sure if it was at the gym last Friday; if so, I proabably exacerbated it by standing up all day Saturday and carrying around an almost-seven-year-old while barefoot on Sunday. Anyway, after Monday night's workout (intervals and cardio on the elliptical) I could barely put weight on it, and had to ice it when I got home. It still hurt a lot yesterday morning, so I took ibuprofren and, after much waffling, skipped the gym entirely, even though I wanted to go (!). I went straight home, propped it on a chair, and watched DVDs. If there's swelling, it's not enough for me to really see, and my big toe moves fine. Perhaps I bruised it inside?

This morning, the pain is less sharp, so perhaps it's getting better. Skipped the anti-inflammatory to get an idea of how it's doing. Am pondering if I could just do weights tonight, but the free weights need me to be standing up, so maybe (sigh) just machines. Or...frustrating as it is, it's probably better to skip it entirely if the foot's still tender this evening. I wasn't planning on any workouts anyway while gone for the Rammstein concert, and probably not on the weekend. If it still hurts on Monday, that's it, to the doctor I go.

I've got the habit of this gym thing now, and I don't want to give it up. I need it to combat stress, as well.

I finished the last three episodes of Garrow's Law, Series One last night. I enjoy the plots but I'm really in it for the costumes, costumes, costumes. Wigs! My favorite character is Sir Arthur, played by Rupert Graves, because he has things he wants that he isn't getting, and he demonstrates regrets and petty triumphs and, well, he's complex; I want to know what he will do next. His relationship with his wife, Lady Sarah (Lyndsey Marshall), has a lot of intriguing angles; he appears to love her, but does not entirely trust her all the time in a way that seems part jealousy of Garrow and her other interests (court cases) and part "Why are you against my ideals (such as they are)?" I like Rupert Graves a lot, which probably has something to do with it as well.

I am not terribly into the romance between Lady Sarah and Garrow. I think I would like Sarah more if she wasn't into Garrow at all. Why must there always be romance, or thwarted romance?

I could watch Alun Armstrong as Southouse all day. What a splendid actor.

Garrow (Andrew Buchan) is the protagonist, but he's also young and arrogant and though I find him entertaining, he's less interesting to me. We know he's going to, ultimately, win, and even when he loses he learns valuable lessons that he will later apply to winning. For that reason, his mistakes draw me in less than Sir Arthur's, even though I like Buchan's portrayal a lot, and if he were the only complex character I would probably like him more.

I also like Sylvester (Aidan McArdle), who is generally Garrow's opponent in court. Their relationship is all pointed banter, and they even have a duel! I was like, "Bring on the slash because I can't imagine no one has written it yet!" I can't fault the character for being pissy at Garrow because the things he's pissy about are generally true. Garrow's going to win in the end, but he doesn't have to be quite so annoying about it, does he? LOL.

garrow's law, music, gym

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