I have my re-audition for choir on Friday, which means I need to pick something to sing for it Real Soon Now. Like, today.
I don't want to. I'm in a post-concert letdown funk, and I don't want to do anything. Or rather, everything I try to do is not satisfactory to me. Hopefully, this will pass soon.
Stearns gave us a good review for the concert, by the way. Except he said the chorus "audibly tired" in the second half. I don't know if it was being tired so much as being hot. As in, actually sweating, kept awake mostly by the spikes of pain from sore feet and knees. If it hadn't been for the intermission...well. I always think it's a matter of endurance, but it isn't, really. Concert conditions just aren't as comfortable as rehearsal conditions, ever, unless you get a lot of breaks where you sit down.
It's the adrenaline and joy in the music that carries you through.