last night's rehearsal

Mar 25, 2009 08:42

Some of the fugues in the Bach B min Mass are so lacework-intricate, I feel as if I could stare at them for hours, trapped in contemplation--not that you can stare at the sounds of music, of course, but...oh, never mind. Fugues with the intricacy of lacework, though, that part's true. Not just one line with all the frills and furbelows, changing off with the next, but several lines, all frilled and furbelowed, each tiny piece interacting with each other tiny piece, and gone in an instant, quicker than mayflies.

We got word last night that we'd received a grant of 47K, which will pay for two of our concerts next year. This is hugely needed for a small, non-profit choir like ours. One of the concerts will include Arvo Part's Te Deum (ecstatic sigh) performed with the Chamber Orchestra, with whom we recently did Brahms' Requiem. The other, scheduled for October, will focus on two Scots composers, one a little-known monk from the Renaissance named Robert Carver, and the other contemporary, James MacMillan. It's an Ultimate Choir Geek program. I am really, really excited about this concert, too; we performed a couple of MacMillan's large works years ago, and I've been hoping to do more ever since.

bach b minor mass, singing

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