This place is quite strange. So many powerful humans in one small area. None compare to Maxim so far, but there were two who had energy much like his, only not so great. With the Dual Blade, who knows what they could be like.
I will have to be careful, and definitely will be keeping an eye on them. One of them seemed rather interested in me, offering him my protection would likely work well to keep him in close contact, especially considering what I have heard on this journal so far. The other I'm not as sure about, the energy didn't seem to belong to him.
The kindness they are showing is very strange. Why would they care so much what happens to me? It reminds me too much of Maxim's final words to me saying that I'm not a bad person. I don't know what I am anymore, but I did open the door so he could save those people, right? Have I changed so much because of him?
I should just try spending more time among the humans here if I'm going to be stuck in this place. It should allow things to make more sense being around such unusual humans.
I am still concerned about if my brothers will show up. If they do, this place will be in great danger without a human with strong energy to defeat us again. What would I do if they show? I'm already starting to feel sympathy towards the humans rather than my brothers. What is wrong with me? Was it Maxim's influence that did this?
[/end private musings]
[And since the blizzard is over now, Iris will have left house #46 so she can go get her clothing and belongings and find herself her own place to live. As much as she did like the people there, she would far prefer to be alone so she can have some privacy. She picked a spot nearby though, preferring to be close to the village.]
I wish to thank those who were in the house I stayed at during the blizzard for being so kind to a newcomer. I've found a place to live and I will not forget your kindness.
Sanji, if you and your crew ever need anything from me, please do let me know. It is the least I can do for your assistance during the blizzard. All of you are welcome to visit me too. I'm not as good of a cook, but the company would be welcome.
[And just a quick note, while Iris isn't being overly specific here, she plans mostly on offering her protection to Sanji especially, no matter what he may say against it. She's very good at telling when bad things are happening, so as long as it isn't Yuber, drop me a PM or IM if he gets into danger, her powers would allow her to find him and teleport right to him to assist.]