Blah, sick, blah, sick, GRRRRRR

Jan 07, 2008 18:41's been a rough few days for me.

Back on Dec 29th, I woke up sick - like sick, sick - not pain sick or my usual-lupus sick. Sick, in a way I've not been sick on a few years. So, I didn't eat anything, but I did attempt to try to eat some saltines and get down some Sprite. Fast forward through four days more of not eating - I did manage to get down a very plain turkey sandwich on Monday (the 31st), but that's it. So my New Year's Eve & Day wasn't pleasant - I didn't go to the party I was supposed to go to, the thought of seeing Ryan Seacrest & Dick Clark made my stomach roll even more, so no big NYE stuff for me.

So Wed, Jan 2nd I was able to get squeezed into my regular doctor. He's pretty sure whatever this is - is bacterial (so yuck). And guess what? All the sickness had begun to trigger my lupus' natural response and make my kidney function go to a level so bad that it's not seen that level in 3 years (the last time I had a major kidney failure) -- so yeah. Anyway.

The rest of Wed, Thurs, and Fri I was restricted to Jello, Pop-sicles, and broth (which I developed a method to make it even tasty - thank God(dess) for Mrs. Dash!) Yesterday and today, I've been upgraded to the BRAT diet. Love that name, by the way. Basically, that's Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Toast. When my tummy rolls - which is often - I have kept up the Jello and broth.

I go back to the doc tomorrow to see how my kidneys are doing and everything.

In the meantime, in that period up to last Wednesday - I had lost 11 pounds. I had bought a new pair of jeans just that Wednesday before...they are already falling off of me; I can take them off without unbuttoning and unzipping them!

On the reading front, I put aside my Lee Child book to read John Fowles' A Maggot. I'm halfway through it, but I need to judge stuff for sothawards and do stuff for Just Rewards. And I keep being distracted by some really good J2 fanfiction lately. I'll have to put up a rec list soon...some of you on my flist might enjoy them as well.

Okay, enough of my woes. I hope everyone else is doing well. I'll catch up on your LJ's in the upcoming days.

life: my health

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