Unfortunately, I do not have email addys for everyone on my flist, so some of you did not get my email regarding my family's good news.
HOLY CRAP! I'm Going to be an Aunt!
Yesterday afternoon my sister (
gaiana) found out that she was seven to nine weeks pregnant! We are hoping for a healthy and trouble-free pregnancy. She has her first appointment with an OB-GYN next week. She and her husband, Chris, are extremely excited - as is Aunt Holly *wink*. I've basically told my sister that I'm moving back to the Hudson house to become her full-time, live-in nanny. She, of course, was like "I don't think Chris will like that." I'm like, "So?" I kid. (maybe *wink*)
My sister calls her husband "Goober," Chris calls Kelly, "Gooberette," therefore, I've decided to call my niece/nephew-to-be: Peanut! As you can tell, I'm thrilled, so is my mother and Chris' mother. Ah, all the pop culture references I can teach this child! ::giddy::
I want to thank those of you who have already sent me emails sending your well wishes to my sister & my family. We are very appreciative.
Now, on to the fic pimpage!
ozma914 rec'ced this, and I couldn't help but go and see what all the fuss was over. The concept seemed ludicrous - a Season 5 Angel crossover with The Simpsons. Yes, that's right...Angel & Homer J. Simpson...interacting...Lisa Simpson talking to Fred...Bart and well...Bart!
beer_good_foamy has written the most inventive, most hilarious crossover I've read in quite some time. The characters from both verses blend seemlessly, which when you think about it seems impossible. But Beer Good has proved that yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus...and that yes, an Angel/Simpsons crossover can be done!
Here's the Summary: Angel has become a liability to W&H, and so theydecide to get rid of Angel and bring in some outside contractors tohelp get the company back in the red again. Now the crew of AngelInvestigations will have to turn to someone who knows how to fight thisnew evil... Someone in a small town by the name of Springfield.
Go...RUN...READ! It's mad brilliant!
"Elves, Gremlins and Eskimoes" Accept no substitute!
Oh, almost forgot. The Winners & Graphics have been announced/posted for Round Three at