Psych Me

Sep 28, 2011 19:49

So, I went to my therapist. There's a slight communication problem with her (as she's South African and I'm a geek in love with technical terms), but we've come to the conclusion that my primary problem is my ability to hold in emotions.

For those of you convinced that there's no way that statement could be true: trust me, you're very wrong.

Additionally, she thinks that the best way for me to cope is regular, pool-based exercise. Preferably something structured (like, a class for gimps in water) so I have a schedule to depend upon. Happily the Cleveland-area YMCA is having a non-Joiner Fee membership drive through the end of next week. Unhappily, there's a few major logistical problems (gas, single car for 2 people, etc) that have me worried. 'Course, it'd be easier if a certain Boy would take the train to work instead of the car...but....

Also suggested are guided meditation and standard cognitive measures (realize I'm having irrational thoughts, then explain to myself why they're irrational). Pretty run-of-the-mill stuff, which I've been using on and off already.

As for how to deal with the first and biggest problem, I may sometimes actually express what I'm feeling to the relevant parties: but most of the time I'll be using creative writing as a convenient outlet. And Robin (also highly convenient form my purposes). But this doesn't mark the start of a new-found, hyper-emotionally-expressive Patty - really, that might be worse for me then the current version. Nor, for that matter, will I entertain notions of opening up or otherwise using other people for my sounding boards: there are reasons I don't already! Maybe they will change as time passes...but for now, the only real change will have to stick with me.

And a gym.

Peace Out.
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