(no subject)

Dec 12, 2008 01:08


Remember how I said my little brother's girlfriend and him were having a baby? Well they had an ultrasound done and at 20 some weeks the baby has no heart beat. We got the news about a week before Thanksgiving. I wish there was something I could do for them but they seem to have adjusted a bit now. For a while there, my baby boy wouldn't let me hug him or touch him and he would snipe at me for no reason. Oh I call him my baby boy because he kind of is.

See since I could talk I asked for the same two things for my birthday and Christmas: a little sister and a kitty. I think I asked for three years before one Christmas season when I got: a pair of Catwoman pajammas and a baby brother. He is still the best present I've ever gotten.

On that note I bid everyone good night.
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