People...everywhere I turn

Aug 28, 2005 06:45

Well today was pretty rough. I didn't get much sleep on account that Junior's fucking bastard children were here. I had to go to work at three so I had to get up somewhere around 1 pm. I slept maybe 4 hours. Everybody left and the noise stopped so I was able to get sinfully comfy in my bed. Unfortunately the pleasent feeling of sleep taking over me didn't last long since I had to get up soon. I ended up sleeping till 2 so I was pretty much hauling ass.

Once at work I opened at till and soon after the chaos began. So MANY people, dear god. It was non stop all day. I started to get progressively sore on account of my lack of sleep and period, which made me even more miserable. I was supposed to leave at 8 but since Amelia did not want to work with Shannon until closing she asked me to stay. I said sure, since I needed the money, and she sent Shannon home early. Kris is leaving T.T. I think I found out who our new assistant manager is going to be an I ma royaly pissed. Some fucking lady named Cindy that has only been a movie gallery employee for 3 months. The bitch is not even an scsa and they're making her manager, FUCKING BULLSHIT! They just seem to not stop giving me reasons to get the fuck out of there. Amelia has not done my review yet >.< all I have to say is WTF. But yeah, all in all work just sucked. I was left sore and hating my life.

After work I went to Josh's place and watched "Sin City". He had been talking so much about it the night before that I just couldn't wait. The movie was good. Very FUCKED UP but good.

Got home at about 4 am where I spent like 10 min. just trying to open the godamn front door. Why? you ask, because there was a godamn frog on the doorknob. Yes, I do not lie, I spent 10 min outside trying to find something to knock the damn frog down with. I like froggies....when they're stuffed. Live ones can go to hell and die as far as I'm concerned. So yeah, I'm all throwing paper at the damn thing and jumping back like a little bitch so it won'r jump on me. The whole jumping back like a little bitch made it longer than it should have taken since it was fucking up my aim. Finally I went to my trunk and found some movie posters. I knew there was a greater purpose for that godawful "xXx" movie then to just give me another reason to lose faith in mankind. It's poster was destined to save my ass. I used the useless poster to scoot the thing away. I was relieved to finally be inside...fucking frogs. Once inside I got on the computer and just fucked around online. I talked to Audrey's friend Sarah since she was the only person online. She's pretty cool.

That was my day, I'll leave you with the AIM convo I had with Sarah. It was amusing and filled with typical "very early in the fucking morning" chatter.

Oracle Of Urza [4:19 AM]: *knock-knock*
Fates Misfit [4:19 AM]: hello there
Oracle Of Urza [4:20 AM]: ah, another alive person at this time of night
Fates Misfit [4:20 AM]: lol, yup.
Oracle Of Urza [4:20 AM]: *looks at buddy list* fucking weaklings went to sleep
Fates Misfit [4:21 AM]: yeah.... i'm too entranced with the glow of my computer screen to sleep
Oracle Of Urza [4:22 AM]: @_@ yes, very hypnotic
Oracle Of Urza [4:22 AM]: so how's life at your end of the world?
Oracle Of Urza [4:22 AM]: by world I mean hell
Fates Misfit [4:23 AM]: haha
Fates Misfit [4:23 AM]: its going... eh, ok.
Fates Misfit [4:23 AM]: lol
Fates Misfit [4:23 AM]: nothing too great or too bad
Oracle Of Urza [4:24 AM]: well balanced then
Oracle Of Urza [4:24 AM]: just like breakfast should be
Fates Misfit [4:24 AM]: heh. i don't really eat breakfast though
Fates Misfit [4:24 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [4:25 AM]: I don't either, I haven't eaten an actual breakfast in like a year
Oracle Of Urza [4:25 AM]: I have "brunch"
Oracle Of Urza [4:26 AM]: and sometimes not even, I'll have my first meal of the day at like 4 in the afternoon
Oracle Of Urza [4:26 AM]: so it's more like "linner"
Fates Misfit [4:27 AM]: lol, yea. i usually don't eat until i get home from school... because my lunch is at 10:30. and frankly, i'm not hungry that early in the morning
Oracle Of Urza [4:28 AM]: I never understood why they would have a lunch that early
Oracle Of Urza [4:28 AM]: it's like a godamn breakfast
Fates Misfit [4:29 AM]: yeah. only they're giving us pizza... and its not even cold
Oracle Of Urza [4:29 AM]: Yeah man, what the fuck is up with that shit
Oracle Of Urza [4:30 AM]: I want my breakfast pizza as it should be : day old and refrigerated
Oracle Of Urza [4:31 AM]: >.> I never trusted school food anyway. Everything looks so "just add water" like
Fates Misfit [4:32 AM]: yeah, that's pretty much what it is, lol
Oracle Of Urza [4:34 AM]: I think I stopped eating food at lunch somewhere around my sophomore year. I finally realized how pointless it was
Fates Misfit [4:35 AM]: i only at food at my school that i was convinced they didn't make... which only was like... chicken sandwiches and pizza.
Oracle Of Urza [4:35 AM]: The food was crappy and since lunch is only a half hour, by the time you get your damn food you have like 5 min to eat >.<
Fates Misfit [4:36 AM]: lol. well, at my old school we only had 25 minutes -- and we had twice as many kids as clewiston... so by the time you got your lunch you had NO time to eat
Oracle Of Urza [4:36 AM]: hehe, yeah those lunch ladies sometimes had this "come on, I dare ya to eat that" look. I woudn't come anywhere near anything they touched
Fates Misfit [4:37 AM]: i swear they always laughed when we left. "I can't believe they just paid money for this shit"
Oracle Of Urza [4:37 AM]: o.O 25 min!! I'm sure that has to be some kind of child abuse
Oracle Of Urza [4:37 AM]: lmao
Fates Misfit [4:37 AM]: haha
Oracle Of Urza [4:38 AM]: Yeah, they probably wouldn't feed cafeteria food to their own dogs
Fates Misfit [4:38 AM]: haha. i wouldn't. i love the damn things more than to torture them like that.
Fates Misfit [4:38 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [4:39 AM]: Dogs have a good sense of smell, they would never touch cafeteria food
Oracle Of Urza [4:39 AM]: They's be all like "dude, Id rather lick my own ass"
Fates Misfit [4:40 AM]: lmao
Fates Misfit [4:40 AM]: so true
Fates Misfit [4:42 AM]: if i tried to give it to my dogs, they'd stare at me like i was an idiot... which, granted they do most of the time anyways... but still
Oracle Of Urza [4:42 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [4:43 AM]: They would probably look at each other and say "told ya she was an idiot"
Fates Misfit [4:43 AM]: haha *nods* they definately would.
Fates Misfit [4:43 AM]: and then they would plot my murder
Oracle Of Urza [4:43 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [4:44 AM]: ofcourse, they'd think you tried to kill them with that god-forsaken food of doom
Fates Misfit [4:44 AM]: yup. and they'd be insulted... or they'd just send the mob after me, since my dogs are lazy assholes
Oracle Of Urza [4:45 AM]: lmao
Oracle Of Urza [4:45 AM]: all of a sudden there would be strange dogs all over your yard
Fates Misfit [4:45 AM]: just staring through my window and waiting
Oracle Of Urza [4:45 AM]: following you to school and shit
Fates Misfit [4:46 AM]: i'd look out the window during class and see one glaring menacingly at me
Oracle Of Urza [4:46 AM]: lol
Fates Misfit [4:46 AM]: o.O that would be scary
Oracle Of Urza [4:46 AM]: Fuck yeah, I'd never leave the classroom
Fates Misfit [4:47 AM]: "No, I can't leave, sir, the dog mafia is out to get me"
Oracle Of Urza [4:47 AM]: and thus you ended up in the looney bin
Fates Misfit [4:47 AM]: hey, at least they couldn't get me in there.
Fates Misfit [4:48 AM]: unless one of them dressed up as a nurse and snuck in
Fates Misfit [4:48 AM]: gah, even the rubber rooms aren't safe anymore
Oracle Of Urza [4:48 AM]: That would be beyond weird
Fates Misfit [4:48 AM]: yes. yes it would be. but nothing is impossible. well... except me turning into a magical chicken riiiiiight now.
Fates Misfit [4:48 AM]: see, nothing.
Fates Misfit [4:49 AM]: some things are impossible!
Oracle Of Urza [4:49 AM]: Ha!
Fates Misfit [4:49 AM]: damn false advertising.
Oracle Of Urza [4:49 AM]: Yes, damn them indeed
Oracle Of Urza [4:49 AM]: *bock-bock-bock!*
Fates Misfit [4:49 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [4:49 AM]: >.> that slipped
Fates Misfit [4:50 AM]: *gasp* you magical chicken!
Oracle Of Urza [4:51 AM]: No! Lies! alll lies! *lays a golden egg*...uh...that is a figment of your imagination, it's not there at all
Oracle Of Urza [4:51 AM]: all**
Oracle Of Urza [4:54 AM]: aol is like teh uber gay
Fates Misfit [4:54 AM]: *concurs*
Oracle Of Urza [4:54 AM]: but yeah, what's the lat thing I typed?
Fates Misfit [4:54 AM]: [04:55] OracleOfUrza: No! Lies! alll lies! *lays a golden egg*...uh...that is a figment of your imagination, it's not there at all
Oracle Of Urza [4:55 AM]: ah yes, that is indeed my great genius
Oracle Of Urza [4:55 AM]: j/k
Fates Misfit [4:56 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [4:56 AM]: Being a magic chicken would suck. I'd rather be a magical frog
Oracle Of Urza [4:56 AM]: I'd be all trippy like
Fates Misfit [4:57 AM]: haha. but then people would be licking you all the time.
Oracle Of Urza [4:57 AM]: *laughs very hard at that*
Fates Misfit [4:57 AM]: unless you're into that sort of thing, of course
Oracle Of Urza [4:57 AM]: say that like it's a bad thing ^.^
Fates Misfit [4:57 AM]: haha ;)
Oracle Of Urza [4:58 AM]: *thinks of possibilities* Yes I think I'll stick to the frog
Oracle Of Urza [4:58 AM]: j/k
Fates Misfit [4:59 AM]: hehe ^.^
Fates Misfit [4:59 AM]: naughtyyyy
Oracle Of Urza [4:59 AM]: Hellz yeah. I'd be all sitting on mushroom and smoking on a gigantic pipe
Oracle Of Urza [4:59 AM]: looking all "pimp"
Fates Misfit [5:00 AM]: lol pimp frog
Fates Misfit [5:00 AM]: :-P except for the smoking part *gag*
Fates Misfit [5:00 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [5:01 AM]: Well I don't smoke, it disgusts me, and would more than likely kill me because of my asthma
Oracle Of Urza [5:01 AM]: It would be some kind of faux pipe
Oracle Of Urza [5:01 AM]: Just to look cool
Fates Misfit [5:01 AM]: bubble pipe!
Oracle Of Urza [5:01 AM]: omg!
Oracle Of Urza [5:01 AM]: That's it!
Fates Misfit [5:02 AM]: :-D
Fates Misfit [5:02 AM]: lol
Fates Misfit [5:02 AM]: now i want a bubble pipe
Oracle Of Urza [5:02 AM]: >.> yeah I know, I want one too
Fates Misfit [5:02 AM]: where from does one acquire a bubble pipe though
Oracle Of Urza [5:03 AM]: good question *ponders*
Fates Misfit [5:03 AM]: *ponders as well*
Fates Misfit [5:03 AM]: if i were a bubble pipe, where would i be sold?
Oracle Of Urza [5:03 AM]: Party City maybe, they have all sorts of cool little toys
Oracle Of Urza [5:04 AM]: If I were a bubble pipe i'd be sold around the corner of my house, but that's not happening any time soon
Fates Misfit [5:05 AM]: ahh *nods*
Oracle Of Urza [5:06 AM]: hmm, next time I go to Ft. Myers I'm going to look for some
Oracle Of Urza [5:08 AM]: ^.^ I like froggies
Oracle Of Urza [5:08 AM]: *sudden outburst number one*
Oracle Of Urza [5:09 AM]: I have one on my dashboard, he is the co-pilot
Fates Misfit [5:11 AM]: lol, cute
Oracle Of Urza [5:12 AM]: ^.^ yes it is. The you look at who's driving and the cuteness becomes confusing
Fates Misfit [5:12 AM]: lol :-P
Oracle Of Urza [5:14 AM]: Random person : "Awww look at the cute little froggie. *looks at me and gathers children quickly to the side* Dont make eye contact! Just don't make eye contact!...she can smell your fear"
Fates Misfit [5:14 AM]: lmfao
Oracle Of Urza [5:15 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [5:16 AM]: Yeah it is rather amusing. That's the part where I say "what? I don't bite....hard" and give them my look of death
Fates Misfit [5:18 AM]: :)
Fates Misfit [5:18 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [5:19 AM]: That's also fun at work hehe
Fates Misfit [5:20 AM]: where do you work?
Oracle Of Urza [5:20 AM]: I work at the movie gallery in La Belle
Fates Misfit [5:20 AM]: oh bet thats exciting
Oracle Of Urza [5:21 AM]: Where I am a Senior Customer Service Assistant. Sounds important but it's not
Oracle Of Urza [5:21 AM]: Oh yeah, I can hardly contain my excitement from working there
Oracle Of Urza [5:22 AM]: I mean I just about have an orgasm whenever I walk through the doors
Fates Misfit [5:22 AM]: oh i wouldn't doubt it.
Oracle Of Urza [5:22 AM]: *rolls eyes* Godamn movie gallery
Fates Misfit [5:22 AM]: i mean its just such an exciting place. lol
Fates Misfit [5:23 AM]: lol, poor you
Oracle Of Urza [5:24 AM]: T.T it pays extremely shitty and I deal with what have to be the rudest people in all hendry county
Fates Misfit [5:24 AM]: ugh. you should beat them with a stick
Fates Misfit [5:24 AM]: with nails in it
Oracle Of Urza [5:25 AM]: I've wanted to.....many times
Fates Misfit [5:25 AM]: *nods* i don't doubt that.
Oracle Of Urza [5:26 AM]: When I get really pissed I just step away from my register and the customer and tell someone else working there to take care of ther stupid ass
Fates Misfit [5:26 AM]: lol, as long as it keeps you from hitting people
Fates Misfit [5:26 AM]: even though they more than likely deserve it
Oracle Of Urza [5:27 AM]: They ALL deserve a blunt object to the side of the head, unfortunately that cannot be done while I'm working *sigh8
Oracle Of Urza [5:27 AM]: *sigh* **
Fates Misfit [5:27 AM]: well... get their addresses out of the computer and do it iafter work
Fates Misfit [5:28 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [5:28 AM]: I have thought of that many times.....many, many times
Oracle Of Urza [5:30 AM]: That or putting charges on their account for a shit load of porn. "Sir, you never turned in "Barely legal #40" or "Crack Addict vol 2", that'll be a 50 dollar charge you have to pay now"
Oracle Of Urza [5:31 AM]: alll while his wife is there ofcourse
Fates Misfit [5:31 AM]: hahahaha
Fates Misfit [5:31 AM]: i would so do that.
Fates Misfit [5:31 AM]: >.<
Oracle Of Urza [5:32 AM]: lmao, just to fuck with them even more I'd fucking charge some gay porn on his account. He'd have some serious explaining to do
Fates Misfit [5:32 AM]: *nods* especially if it was his wife that came in the next time. with their small children.
Fates Misfit [5:33 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [5:33 AM]: lmao
Oracle Of Urza [5:33 AM]: That'd be great
Oracle Of Urza [5:35 AM]: Some kid came in one time to check on his parents' late fees and there were 2 adult movies that were late. So we kinda all looked at each other trying to figure out a non-mind-scarring way of saying it to him
Fates Misfit [5:35 AM]: haha
Oracle Of Urza [5:36 AM]: We just wrote down the names of the normal movies and then wrote "and 2 other movies". We all prayed they wouldn't insist on names....oh god how we prayed
Fates Misfit [5:36 AM]: lmao
Oracle Of Urza [5:40 AM]: Oh man, the other day this guy came in and dropped off 6 movies. Five were adult and one was normal. This guy Jimmy that I worked with was all like "OMG, that's just wrong *looks at the one normal movie* Yeah right, like he had time to watch this". I wanted to throw myself on the floor and laugh
Fates Misfit [5:40 AM]: haha. well at least your co-workers have a good sense of humor, lol
Oracle Of Urza [5:41 AM]: Oh yeah, the only reason I'm still working there is because I really like the people I work with
Oracle Of Urza [5:41 AM]: we get along great and spend most of the work day playing and joking around
Fates Misfit [5:43 AM]: well its definatley one of the better ways to spend the work day
Fates Misfit [5:43 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [5:44 AM]: hellz yeah
Oracle Of Urza [5:45 AM]: The manager is also a very cool person. She has no problem with my piercing or spikes even though I'm "technically" not supposed to have either on
Fates Misfit [5:46 AM]: lol, well thats awesome
Oracle Of Urza [5:48 AM]: Have you seen Sin City?
Fates Misfit [5:48 AM]: not yet
Oracle Of Urza [5:50 AM]: I went to a friend's house after work and saw it
Oracle Of Urza [5:50 AM]: O.O very fucked up, yet bad ass movie
Fates Misfit [5:50 AM]: i've only heard good things about it
Oracle Of Urza [5:50 AM]: ^.^ violence, gore, and whores galore
Oracle Of Urza [5:51 AM]: A regular doctor Seuss I am
Oracle Of Urza [5:53 AM]: But yeah, it's good. Kinda confusing at first but after a while you get so used to things not making sense you just go with it
Fates Misfit [5:53 AM]: lol woo sounds like fun
Fates Misfit [5:54 AM]: damn its almost 6 in the morning.
Oracle Of Urza [5:55 AM]: yeah
Oracle Of Urza [5:56 AM]: There are just not enough hours in a day
Fates Misfit [5:56 AM]: or at least not in the night time...
Fates Misfit [5:56 AM]: it should be dark a lot longer.
Oracle Of Urza [5:57 AM]: Yeah, that would be extremely sweeet
Oracle Of Urza [5:58 AM]: I could go on with my merry nocturnal ways
Fates Misfit [5:59 AM]: yup.
Fates Misfit [5:59 AM]: waisting all my nights away harassing people and stealing music
Oracle Of Urza [6:00 AM]: lmao
Oracle Of Urza [6:00 AM]: yes
Oracle Of Urza [6:01 AM]: I like the stealing of the music too
Fates Misfit [6:01 AM]: *nods* right now, for some reason, i'm getting bored and uploadingall my music onto my computer.
Fates Misfit [6:01 AM]: i already had almost 3000 songs on here.
Fates Misfit [6:01 AM]: and now... yeah. overload
Oracle Of Urza [6:01 AM]: lol
Fates Misfit [6:01 AM]: but thats the whole point of the computer so. its ok
Oracle Of Urza [6:02 AM]: I don't have that many....I don't think. At some point I just stopped keeping track
Oracle Of Urza [6:02 AM]: I sometimes look for music and find shit I had forgotten about

Fates Misfit [6:03 AM]: lol, well my windows media player keeps track of how many songs are stored on my computer *nods*
Fates Misfit [6:04 AM]: at current: 3,483 songs
Fates Misfit [6:04 AM]: 115 Videos
Oracle Of Urza [6:04 AM]: Mine probably does too, now whether I've noticed it or ever bothered to look is a whole 'nother story
Fates Misfit [6:04 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [6:05 AM]: don't have any videos....I don't think
Fates Misfit [6:05 AM]: But the thing is, I'm like OCD with my computer. it's all sorted by artist, and then in the artist folders, its sorted by album... I'm a little crazy. and i keep track of everything, but haven't listened to most of it
Oracle Of Urza [6:05 AM]: I have a lot of manga and some anime in my computer too
Oracle Of Urza [6:06 AM]: I have my stuff in alphabetical order by artist
Fates Misfit [6:06 AM]: so do i. but it's already sorted like that
Fates Misfit [6:06 AM]: lol
Fates Misfit [6:06 AM]: my cds in my cases and on my shelves are arranged alphabetically.
Oracle Of Urza [6:07 AM]: I have OCD rather bad too
Oracle Of Urza [6:07 AM]: I'm a freak with diagonal and horizontal shit
Oracle Of Urza [6:07 AM]: also vertical
Oracle Of Urza [6:08 AM]: everything even
Fates Misfit [6:08 AM]: *nods*
Fates Misfit [6:08 AM]: oddly enough, i'm not very clean with my room. but everything else is in order!
Oracle Of Urza [6:08 AM]: lmao, same here
Oracle Of Urza [6:09 AM]: My room is a mess
Fates Misfit [6:09 AM]: there is like...everything everywhere.
Fates Misfit [6:09 AM]: but i know where everything is, don't get me wrong
Fates Misfit [6:09 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [6:09 AM]: But, if you look in my closet all my clothes are oragized neatly
Fates Misfit [6:10 AM]: all mine are separated into shirts, skirts, and pants.
Fates Misfit [6:10 AM]: my mom messed up that order one time and i flipped out on here O.O
Oracle Of Urza [6:10 AM]: I'm the same, I call it beign an organized disorganized person
Fates Misfit [6:10 AM]: yeah.
Oracle Of Urza [6:10 AM]: I know where everyting is in my room too
Oracle Of Urza [6:10 AM]: down to a pair of eyerings
Oracle Of Urza [6:10 AM]: I find everything
Fates Misfit [6:11 AM]: yup
Oracle Of Urza [6:12 AM]: I divide my closet into jeans, non jeans, shirts, long sleeved shirts, hoodies, and then jackets
Fates Misfit [6:12 AM]: ahh. you're more organized than me!
Fates Misfit [6:12 AM]: *gives a gold star*
Oracle Of Urza [6:12 AM]: Oh and I put my blacks together
Fates Misfit [6:13 AM]: i don't have any jackets, and only have 3 hoodies, only one of which is hung up because its "retired" (i wear my hoodie every day... from first to last loves me lots)
Oracle Of Urza [6:13 AM]: all my black jeans will be together in their particular section, same as with shirts
Fates Misfit [6:13 AM]: i can't say i'm down to that level. lol.
Fates Misfit [6:14 AM]: and if my clothes are hung up and organized, they're in a huge pile on my bed... for weeks at a time.
Fates Misfit [6:14 AM]: i'm horrible with doing laundry
Oracle Of Urza [6:14 AM]: hehe, like I said, my OCD is rather bad
Oracle Of Urza [6:14 AM]: lmao, I've slept in my bed while huge piles of clothes have been on it
Oracle Of Urza [6:15 AM]: I wake up feeling like shit but will still be too lazy to fold them and put them away
Fates Misfit [6:15 AM]: lol yup
Fates Misfit [6:15 AM]: you just find yourself in weird positions with clothes everywhere O.O quite odd.
Oracle Of Urza [6:15 AM]: lol, yeah
Fates Misfit [6:15 AM]: but yeah, usually i'm quite lazy... but once i start cleaning, i do everything down to the last detail... and frequently get distracted with organizing something stupid and forget to keep going....
Oracle Of Urza [6:16 AM]: Yeah, I don't clean my room that often, when I do bother it looks rather nice
Fates Misfit [6:17 AM]: yup. mine too. everything nice and neat, orderly, put away. next day, fucking disaster area...
Oracle Of Urza [6:17 AM]: I usually get distracted with the decorating and making everything even
Oracle Of Urza [6:17 AM]: lmao
Fates Misfit [6:17 AM]: i usually get distracted like... organizing fucking papers or something.
Oracle Of Urza [6:17 AM]: It usually takes me a good two weeks to fuck up my room nice and good
Fates Misfit [6:17 AM]: well i have a cat that has to stay in my room with me that helps out quite a bit as well
Oracle Of Urza [6:18 AM]: ah, teh ravishing kitty
Fates Misfit [6:18 AM]: thing can destroy my room in like... 10 minutes flat
Fates Misfit [6:19 AM]: i stack something, it gets knocked down, fold something, its unfolded and its sleeping on it, put shit in the trash can, trash can is tipped over, paper and shit everywhere.
Oracle Of Urza [6:19 AM]: I'll get sidetracked if I find old papers from school or notes and stuff like that. I'll just sit there and read everything, next thing I know it's like midnight
Fates Misfit [6:19 AM]: yup i've done that before
Oracle Of Urza [6:20 AM]: Your cat needs to learn some manners. It's like "No kitty, the world is not your litter box"
Fates Misfit [6:21 AM]: lol. thing is, in the manner of actual litter box usage, its a really good cat. it's never pissed on my clothes, or shit outside of the box. it's amazing in that aspect. just every other thing, its fucking crazy
Oracle Of Urza [6:23 AM]: lmao
Oracle Of Urza [6:23 AM]: That's just fucked up
Fates Misfit [6:24 AM]: and this is how i spend my 6:30 in the morning. talking about my cats litterbox usage.
Fates Misfit [6:24 AM]: i should be asleep
Fates Misfit [6:24 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [6:24 AM]: lmao
Fates Misfit [6:24 AM]: i'm never going to sleep tomorrow night.
Fates Misfit [6:24 AM]: damn school
Oracle Of Urza [6:24 AM]: I agree, damn it all to hell
Fates Misfit [6:25 AM]: *nods*kicks it all*
Oracle Of Urza [6:25 AM]: Just unleash your cat upon it, it will promptly destroy it all
Fates Misfit [6:27 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [6:28 AM]: Just say "Okay kitty, just pretend it's my neatly folded attack!"
Fates Misfit [6:28 AM]: haha :-P. it would like tear it up and then go to sleep on it
Oracle Of Urza [6:30 AM]: Deadly yet soul-crushingly cute
Fates Misfit [6:31 AM]: yesh. my kiki ist adorable.
Fates Misfit [6:33 AM]:¤t=95.jpg
Oracle Of Urza [6:34 AM]: Yeah, he looks like the cat of doom ^.^
Fates Misfit [6:34 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [6:34 AM]: Cute nontheless
Fates Misfit [6:35 AM]: pure evil
Oracle Of Urza [6:37 AM]: Yeah, you can see it in its eyes
Fates Misfit [6:37 AM]: lol *nod*nod*
Fates Misfit [6:37 AM]: well... i do believe i am going to go pass out
Fates Misfit [6:38 AM]: nice speaking with you all this time :) and we shall speak again soon, hopefully
Fates Misfit [6:38 AM]: lol
Oracle Of Urza [6:39 AM]: no prob
Oracle Of Urza [6:39 AM]: I'm probably going to bed soon myself
Oracle Of Urza [6:40 AM]: But yeah, I'll tty next time I catch ya online :-)
Oracle Of Urza [6:40 AM]: Nighty Night
Fates Misfit [6:40 AM]: nighty night
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