Lazy People

May 14, 2010 00:08

My school is filled with lazy retards. There are some there that take what they're doing seriously, but yet there are others that just... don't.

Now i can understand not having the desire to go to certain classes (Like me with Stastistics right now. Ick) but like to slack off so majorily in your core classes?? WTF?

I was talking to my instructor a bit today and she was telling me how she just recieved some WEEK 2 homework and a project from some people today. Today is pretty much WEEK 9.

SEVEN weeks!?!?


PEOPLE are LAZY. Especially when it comes to some easy ass crap.


On another note-- I revamped my journal layout. I figured after 4-5 years it was time for a makeover... Couldn't think of anything significant to do until I came up with the idea to do a custom painted background for it. Gotta love Oracle. <3

I even re-amped this account with paid time to see all the features I've misse dout on over the years. I'm kinda curious.....

Ahhh it feels good to have my LJ back. :3

oracle, school, layout

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