Leading Off Like I was Jacoby Ellsbury

Mar 13, 2008 17:34

Okay I guess I'll do the first post on this community. To give a bit of a what it should look like kinda thing. :P Anyways...here I go


Banker from Boston

*Mikey(based on Mike Lowell) -- leader
*Alex(based on Alex Cora)
*Dustin(based on Dustin Pedroia)
*Manny(based on Manny Ramirez)
*JD(based on JD Drew)


*3 yoke of oxen
*1000 lbs of food
*10 pairs of clothing
*5 boxes of ammo
*3 each of wheels, axles and tongues

April 1, 1848: Leave Independence, MO

April 2, 1848: JD breaks his leg due to falling off the wagon

April 5, 1848: Alex has a snakebite trying to stop Dustin from petting a rattlesnake.....this trip wont end well if this keeps happening

April 7, 1848: Arrive at Kansas River Crossing...crossing via caulking the wagon which scares Manny but they make it through alright

April 14, 1848: Arrive at Big Blue River Crossing...fording the river per the suggestion of Manny who has a healthy fear of caulk...lose 1 day with wet supplies

April 15, 1848: Back on track

April 18, 1848: Come across a gravesite -- "Here lies andy -- peperony and chease". Manny soon gets hungry and wants pizza

April 22, 1848: Arrive at Fort Kearney...buy 500 lbs more of munchies...rests for 1 day smoking stuff up

April 23, 1848: Back on track

April 24, 1848: Alex has typhoid but fights it off like his name was Kyle Farnsworth

April 25, 1848: Alex has a broken arm after the wagon accidentally running over his arm when Dustin decided to try to drive the wagon while Alex was trying to check the wagon axle

May 7, 1848: Arrive at Chimney Rock...decide not to stop and look around, Manny is afraid of giant rocks

May 12, 1848: Arrive at Fort Laramie...buy weed...spend one night and buy 200 lbs of munchies

May 13, 1848: Back on track...find wild fruit...does not make them have hallucinations of giants bears playing accordions

May 29, 1848: Arrive at Independence Rock...do not look around...Dustin gets measles though it suspiciously looks like herpes

June 8, 1848: Arrive at South Pass...rest for one night in which JD, Manny, and Dustin stay in the wagon...no word on where the other two went...

June 9, 1848: Back on track and decided to head for Fort Bridger

June 13, 1848: Alex has exhaustion...reasons unspecified(but we all know why)

June 21, 1848: Arrive at Fort Bridger...trade 1 wagon tongue for 23 lbs of food...buy 50 more lbs, more weed, and a wagon tongue...stop to rest for 2 days in a big smokefest

June 23, 1848: Back on track

June 26, 1848: Find 3 sets of clothing and 42 bullets in abandoned wagon. Manny makes a hat out of the clothing

June 29, 1848: JD has measles...is hopeful he didn't catch it from Dustin

July 5, 1848: Found more wild fruit and do not have more hallucinations of bears playing accordions...this time it's hallucinations of Papelbon riding horseback without any clothes on and calling himself Mr. Godiva

July 8, 1848: Arrive at Soda Springs...decide not to look around...Soda isn't good for Dustin or Manny

July 13, 1848: Arrive at Fort Hall...rest for 2 days...buy 500 lbs of food...trade 1 ox for 67 lbs of food...buys 1 ox

July 16, 1848: Back on track

July 22, 1848: Trail is getting rough...hope they can hang on!

July 23, 1848: Alex has exhaustion again...we know why ;)

July 30, 1848: Dustin has measles...the truth of the matter is that it's herpes but they don't have the heart to tell him

August 2, 1848: Arrive at Snake River Crossing...caulking the wagon...make it over successfully even if Manny cried

August 8, 1848: Manny has measles...no not herpes....nope. Definitely not. Nope. Not caught by JD or Dustin....nope.

August 10, 1848: Found more wild fruit and the hallcinations did not include Jon Lester as Link saving Manny Delcarmen who was Princess Zelda

August 15, 1848: Arrive at Fort Boise...bought 1000 lbs of food..rest for 1 day

August 16, 1848: Back on track

August 19, 1848: Lose 1 day over petty bickering between Mikey and Alex over directions(though they insist it was an impassible trail....riiight)

August 23, 1848: JD has a broken leg trying to jump out of the wagon on a dare by Manny(AGAIN?! Stop breaking stuff, dude!)

August 28, 1848: Lose one day due to heavy fog which was NOT caused by pot smoking...nope definitely no pot smoking here

September 2, 1848: Arrive at Blue Mountains...decide not to look around because last time they tried to look at mountains, Dustin nearly broke everything...decide to head for The Dalles deciding that their munchies can hold them through the rest of it

September 5, 1848: Alex and Mikey bicker again...get lost for 3 days

September 16, 1848: JD has died...cause unknown but it may have something to do with him spontaneously combusting like he used to do every September...however a one year layoff caused it to be permanent :( RIP JD

September 17, 1848: Arrive at The Dalles...hang around while making their decision on where to go from here...decide to rest for 2 days before heading out

September 19, 1848: Back on track...decide to take Barlow Toll Road on the insistence of Manny whose afraid of caulking wagons and pay the $8.00...

September 25, 1848: Come across gravesite -- "Here lies Alex -- so effing close". Alex gets creeped out, but realizes it was from another wagon. Still is creeped out. Dustin laughs at him. Alex smacks him upside the head.

September 28, 1848: Arrive at Willamette Valley, OR! Mikey, Alex, Dustin, and Manny all still remain. :D Manny celebrates by taking a swim in the river. Almost drowns but is saved by Mikey. And the four live happily ever after! :)

1781 points!

dustin pedroia, manny ramirez, mike lowell, alex cora, jd drew

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