The latest trailer for
X-Men: First Class is out, with lots of extra goodness. I am convinced this will more than make up for X3. None of the YouTube videos were embeddable, but I've got the Yahoo! version behind the cut.
The newest trailer for
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is knock-your-socks-off amazing. (That was a spoiler: now you know you have to be wearing socks so that they may be knocked off.)
Click to view
Immortals is eye candy. King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) has declared war against humanity and only Theseus (Henry Cavill) can save Greece from the invading horde. Directed by Tarsem Singh (The Fall, The Cell) and produced by those who gave us 300, it's definitely not from any canonical pages of mythology. But it sure looks like fun.
Click to view
You may (or may not) know Henry Cavill from The Tudors, and he is currently cast as Superman in the upcoming reboot, Man of Steel. Antje Traue (Pandorum) has just been cast to play Faora to hang around General Zod, played by Michael Shannon. Also,
Superman is renouncing his U.S. citizenship in Action Comics #900. I don't know that that will be reflected in the movie.
FWIW, casting call for extras during the Cleveland filming of Avengers won't be until July. No specific date as of yet. Can I get tossed by Thor?