Mike Wieringo

Aug 13, 2007 13:19

Those of you who are comics fans may already know, and some of you have posted already, but artist Mike Wieringo passed away Sunday of a massive heart attack at age 44. I am very saddened by his passing. He was a truly nice guy and a tribute to his profession. I have a quick Doctor Who(Fourth Doctor) sketch that he did for me at Heroes con several years ago. It is one of my favorite pieces. We were fortunate here in NC, we got to see him at cons and shows quite a bit. One gets jaded at these events, but Mike always impressed me, both as an artist, and as a human being.
Think I'll go home and pull out some of his Flash work to read tonight. It's strikes me that he passed away not too long after Bart Allen, the character he created with Mark Waid in that title, passed away in the book.

We'll miss you, Ringo. You were taken from us too soon.

mike wieringo, obit, creator, comics, sad

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