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Character Name: Maya Fey
Character Series: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Character Age: 19
Everything you ever wanted to know about Maya Fey.
Personality: Maya can be described in one word, strange. She is energetic (maybe too much so), bright, excitable, and a complete kid at heart. She goes about everything she does with boundless enthusiasm, and attempts to get her nose into everyone’s business. She runs purely on instinct, and it’s clear to see that she doesn’t really think about her actions before she acts on them. She is easily distracted, jumps to conclusions, and has a tendency to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. For example, if she sees something interesting? She’s not going to think it through, and weight whether or not it belongs to someone, or it might be expensive, she picks it up and starts playing with it. Her grasp on ownership laws are “loose” to say the least, and it’s not uncommon for her to rifle through other’s belongings with the justification of “I was just borrowing it!”
This carelessness can be a blessing, and a curse. On one hand, it makes her incredibly impolite, and at times, insensitive. Because she’s not always careful she ends up in her own fair share of trouble, and most of the time it’s self inflicted. On the other hand, because she is so inquisitive and willing to explore, she discovers things that no one else could. A great example is in the first game when Phoenix and Maya discover a camera mounted with a microphone. Not thinking of the consequences, Maya made a loud noise to activate the camera, and ended up wasting an entire roll of film. While she incurred the wrath of the person who owned the film and stuck Phoenix with having to pay for her mistakes, the fact that the camera detected loud “bang” noises later became a crucial piece of information.
Despite the fact that she can be careless, Maya has a big heart and cares deeply for those around her. Once you are Maya’s friend, she is fiercely loyal to you, and will give everything that she’s got to help you. When she sees someone in need, she has a hard time turning a blind eye to their pain, and she will throw herself into whatever she needs to do to help them. Most of the time she assumes that everyone around her wants to accomplish the same thing, and if she finds a new project? Expect to be dragged along with her.
This moment-to-moment method of making decisions means that her interest is easily caught, but it’s also easily lost. While she might make grand dreams, it’s very likely that she will get bored if not properly stimulated, and will move on to the next interesting idea that strikes her. And when you consider Maya’s strange train of logic, it’s very likely that she will find something interesting. Because when you get down to it, Maya views the world as a fascinating place full of amazing things. She has the ability to look at something mundane, and see something amazing. Her imagination has no limits, and you never really know what she is going to say next.
Even though I just said that Maya is flighty, the interesting thing about her is the fact that she’s also very responsible, in her own way. There are certain things, like family and friends, that Maya views with an uncanny sense of duty that she will never abandon. Maybe it is because of her own turbulent family life, but Maya places family (and friends who are honorary family members) above all other things. She will never abandon them, even if it puts her in danger. Not only that, but she will always put on a brave face in front of her family. At the end of the day, Maya has gone through things that might break a weaker person, but Maya insists on being strong for the people that she cares about. She wants desperately to be helpful to her family, and she knows that the best way that she can do that is to be herself. While she still suffers a slight inferiority complex when compared to her sister, she understands that she has her own unique strengths, and she intends to use them to their fullest. She has the unique ability to smile, even if it’s hard, and even if horrible things have happened to her.
In the end, Maya will either be your best friend, or annoy the heck out of you. But no matter what, you can count on her to be bright when you need a smile, to work hard when you need a friend, and to say something completely random to make you laugh.
Abilities: The only ability that Maya possesses on her own is the Kurain Channeling Technique. To quote the Ace Attorney wiki, “When a Fey performs the Kurain Channeling Technique, her body transforms into a likeness of the person she channels. This change extends to her voice and physical appearance, although her hair and clothes remain the same. From this point, the channeled spirit takes control of the body and the medium loses consciousness and is unaware of anything the spirit does during the channeling. This unconsciousness is complete, unlike regular sleep in which people dream.
It is unknown to what extent the physical changes can occur, as although height, figure and voice change, Phoenix Wright has only seen female spirits being channeled. The only mentioned case of a member of the clan channeling a male spirit is that of Gregory Edgeworth and this was not shown. A male medium couldn't perform the channeling as only female members of the clan inherit the ability to use the technique.
One limitation of the technique is that two people may not simultaneously channel the same spirit. However, one medium can "steal" a spirit from a less powerful medium, as well as prevent a less powerful medium from channeling a spirit by channeling it herself.”
Sample Entry: Geez, it’s hot out today! Seriously, all I want to do is sit on my porch and eat popsicles. Mmm, and maybe a smoothie too! Wait, Mayfield has blenders right? I guess I don’t use it very often… well, if you think about it, there aren’t a lot of foods that you blend to make. I guess you could use a blender to chop up meat if you really wanted to, but I’ve never tried it.
Wait, that’s a great idea! Hey, has anyone tried cutting up a steak into cubes, and stick that in the blender? Then you could have steak burgers, it might taste even better then normal burgers! After all, steak is pretty great on it’s own. Huh, maybe I should go pro with the idea, set up my own Steak-Burger restaurant!
[there’s a pause as she munches on her popsicle] Anyone have any ideas for names? I’m thinking something catchy, like “Moo Meat”… Hmm, so much to do.
Okay, husband! Check if we have a blender, we’ll make a smoothie first, then a steak burger. Kids, help me make some posters, we can make it a family business!