Excellent Expert!
You scored 94 knowledge!
hahah you scored either 69 or 100, just like your mom in bed last
night!! just kidding. In actuality, you got everything, or mostly
everything right, which means that you rock and have excellent taste in
movies. If you're a guy and you live in Pennsylvania, drop me a line at
XFILESGIRL626 and I'll get you free passes at the movie theater I work
(sorry for the plug, but...good job!)
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 80% on knowledge
The Obscure Movie Quote Test written by
OkCupid Free Online Dating Awwwwww
Well.......you got a 85% Ur a good guy, close to the best but not there completely, ur dateable and so close to perfect its almost scary
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 58% on Browniepoints
The Are you a good Boyfriend? Test written by
Chicky420 on
OkCupid Free Online Dating Hey, you're almost as good as me! You got 70% not bad. Freakin' Sweet!
Many of the questions have tricks in them. Like reffering to one joke in one episode. But it could make all the difference.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 36% on Family guy
The EXPERT family guy Test written by
Twig7 on
Ok Cupid Internet enthusiast
Congratulations! You scored 62!
Okay, minimize the chat windows and message boards you're multitasking
right now -- this deserves your undivided attention. The internet's an
exciting place, and you sure spend a lot of your time and energy here,
but consider the extent to which it interferes with "real life." Don't
forget to go outside and play!
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 77% on addictpoints
The Are You an Internet Junkie? Test written by
LottelitaSD on
Ok Cupid Seriously Messed Up
You are 50 malicious towards all things, and 41 cruel towards anything that can bleed.
You enjoy torturing Jehovah's Witnesses with tales of your latest orgy
and trying to teach God's creatures to fly, and the police will
probably issue an order to keep you at least fifty metres from all
flammable materials at all times. What do you want, a medal? You still
have that soft spot somewhere in you. Your conscience can still make
you feel guilty and worthless. So, learn how to focus your mind so you
can give that little bitch a royal smack upside the head. You need to
stop thinking about the consequences, and do what that snickering voice
in your head goddamn tells you to.
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 50% on Malice
You scored higher than 50% on Cruelty
The Are You An Evil Bastard? Test written by
Deathjester on
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Congratulations! Your rice factor is -1! Whoa you're against rice buddy! This might not be a bad thing, you think so at least.
The only logo you'd put on your car says: STOCK. No chrome rims for you.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 52% on Rice Number
The How much of a Ricer are you? Test written by
newfub on
OkCupid Free Online Dating Autobot Hero
You Scored a 80!
You're an Autobot hero. You're not the leader, but you have a major
part in helping restore order in the universe. Perhaps when you are a
little more experienced, you could lead the Ranks. You wouldn't need
to, though. You are capable of leading your squad into battle. The
leader counts on you to be there in times of distress. Welcome to the
the right hand of Prime, Hero. A list of names for you to choose from
are as follows: Arcee, Silverbolt, Grimlock, Jazz, Hound, Springer,
Rhynox, or First Aid.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 93% on Autobot
The Better Autobot or Decepticon Test written by
htownpaprica on
Ok Cupid Gamer
You are 76% a real Gamer!
Hey awesome! You know about gaming, you know the terms, you even know
some cliches and catch phrases. Keep it up! You're on your way to being
in the path the truely righteous and special group of nerds in this
world. Don't be afraid though, this is the group of glorified and the
chosen one of the gods!
Give me a message, since I would love to talk to you. Put your score in
the subject line!
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 52% on gamer-ness
The True Gamer Test written by
raquheln on
Ok Cupid Green Lantern
You scored 85 Hero Points!
You have a ring and you can make anything form out of it. The bad news
is its weak agaisnt wood and things made of yellow ( dont get peed on).
Also you're kinda worthless if you lose the ring. The good news is you
can forge just about anything with your willpower, including multiple
versions of you, killer robots, dragons, girlfriends, etc etc.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 87% on Hero Points
The Which Superhero/Savior Are You Test written by
Etchelion on
Ok Cupid