Don't give a f****k list

Dec 06, 2012 03:40

Named because I don't give a fuck if you don't like why I dislike what I do. Have had several friends get flamed on their personal journals, nothing was racist,sexist etc. Nope just plain old "don't like.....". Really folks, where all adults around here and should be able to tolerate each others dislikes.

Guess some special snowflake people can't handle that. If you get a hair up your ass after reading my list, that's on you.

And am only going to say this once, running on fried wired skull space.  If anyone on my Flist wants to start a fight over something I write here, you won't like the results. I will defend what I say,you've all been warned.

-Garth Brooks
-Sappy or twangy Country music
-Boy bands (of all types) Minus TH, which I've been told counts as one. Honestly I don't see them as one.
-Furries,fursonas etc
-Passive agressive people
-Bible thumpers
-Diet sodas
-People who think that transgender always =gay or lesbian
-Ford cars/trucks
-my Dad
-Christmas songs
-Gender swap or gender bent fanfic (with rare exceptions)
-Fishy fish (shark,swordfish,herring etc)
-Perky people
-NASCAR (Lord n Lady how I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-Slow drivers
-Green or smart cars
-Global Warming as a catch phrase
-People who think anyone can be a writer (i.e. a published author)
-Christanity and all that goes with it
-Alcholics (yes I am a sober one but I no longer tolerate it among myself or my friends)
-Drug users (hardcore shit)
-Man bags (men do not carry purses)
-Fake people
-Wall flowers (ie no personality people)
-Obssesed ex partners
-Copy cats
-Non book loving people
-Child abusers
-Animal abusers
-Wannabe Natives
-People who are afraid of bikers
-Clueless drivers (those who couldn't fix a flat to save themselves)
-Wine (even when I drank, never liked the stuff)
-Champagin (same as above)
-Fangirls & fanboys of the obessed types (stalking, would die if they didn't date said famous person)
-Occupy movment
-Middle class, white picket fence people
-Church every Sunday types
-Living life in the box
-Badly written fanfic
-Fic that includes any of the following: sex with animals,dead bodies,children;furries;shit,piss,fisting,abuse
-By the book people
-Jesus freaks
-Jews For Jesus
-Disrespectfull children
-Parents who ziplock bag their kids lives.
-Parents who think their kids are perfect in every tiny way.
-Early mornings
-24/7 news stations (FOX,CNN,MSNBC)
-People who think black cats are unlucky
-Fake butter spread
-Poser trans people
-Kick me dogs
-Anti gun or weapon people
-Tea so weak it's colored water
-Decaf coffee
-Sugar free anything
-Getting inked for stupid reasons
-Piercings in general (ears am fine with)
-Men wearing makeup (I know some guys love it but not me. Ever)
-Soccer mom's or parents
-GLBTQ umbrella phrase
-Bi haters
-Pagan haters
-Born Again Christians
-Church music
-Spousal abuse or absuers
-"Turn the other cheek"
-People who think Southerns or "the south"=racism,phobias,backwards,hick.
-Snobby people
-Veggie Tales
-Lack of Bi pride colors (my friend and I where talking last night. She said she though the colors where blue and purple. Not sure, it's a guess)
-Over use of twospirit(s) by white or non Natives
-Twospirt(s)= G/L/Bi
-Fake Native Halloween outfits
-Photographers at powows
-Dressing babies in fancy clothes they'll out grow
-Skinny girls
-Tranny chasers
-AA chasers
-PC police
-Wannabe protesters
-Anti death penality supporters
-Womens Rights crazy followers (who take it to the extreme)
-Special snowflakes
-Dolls (American Girl is my only exception)
-Doll collectors (ones with nine billion of the creepy things)
-Polo shirts
-Collared shirts
-Dress pants
-Dress shoes
-Preppy look for guys or girls
-Long hair haters
-Pagan wannabes
-Trolls (people who are)
-Glitter or anything sparkly/girly/princess/pop bullshit
-Build A Bear
-Walk about characters or anyone in a furry outfit
-"It is what it is"
-Using "I don't know", when I know damn well you know what's going on
-Liars (of the big black type of lies)
-Polly anything
-Three somes
-Parents who won't let their kids play with toy wepons (even a stick as a gun)
-Stupid people
-Genderless movment (coming from within the transgender comunity. Outside of it, I'm fine with it)
-Flavoured vodka (see comment about wine)
-Sleeping pills
-Salvation Army (aka Gods Army or Drunks For Jesus)
-Red Kettles (see above)
-Nails on a chalkboard
-Comedy movies or shows
-People who park their truck or car in front of your house. Box you in.
-Sunday drivers
-CGI animation
-3D movies
-Quack doctors
-People who can't control their dogs or ill trained dogs
-Pittbull haters
-People who set off my "creep factor"
-Wannabe New Age followers
-the newish Seasme Street
-Hands at 10 and 2 drivers
-Over thinkers
-Center of attention or won't leave you alone people
-Lack of personal space crowders
-Trying to talk to me when I have my ears (headphones) in.
-Misgendering me, after I've had to correct you several times.
-Creation thumpers
-Poser GLBTQ kids
-Salt on my food
-Shoes on my feet (soon as I can they come off)
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