Cracked Diamonds MasterPost

Aug 22, 2011 01:53

Title: Cracked Diamonds
Author:optimouse optimouse
Fandom:X-Men First Class
Warning:Graphic Sexual abuse of a minor, rape, domestic violence, implied violence, implied m/m sexual relations, and death.

Word Count: 16,574

Summary:Emma Frost learned at her mother’s knee that if a woman wanted to get anywhere, she was the only person with the power to make that happen. Telepathy was quite helpful to those aims, including the manipulation of men. Cleavage or cortex, both helped her make her own way, often by changing the thoughts of others. She wanted to rule the world, but it is a man’s world. By playing with the minds of everyone, she thought she would take over the world.
Charles Xavier disagreed.
An AU-verse in which Xavier and Magneto are tempered by a diamond’s views of supremacy, and not a Mengele’s, even if they didn’t quite figure it out.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 and 6

Part 7 and 8

Part 9 and 10

Part 11 and 12

Part 13

Or you can use an alternative link to a more formatted version on An Archive of Our Own:

Ao3 Linkage

Betaed By:maggiebloome maggiebloome:Thank you so very, very, very much!

Lovely Artwork by chosenfire28 : chosenfire28Links below!

Pretty Shiny Things!!!

cracked diamonds, slash, aubigbang, fandom:xmen firstclass

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