If you see one movie this year make it An Inconvenient Truth

Jun 14, 2006 07:57

It's a masterpiece. It's worth your time and it's worth the movie ticket price. It was better than I expected. It doesn't focus on blame; it focuses on the reality of the current situation we are facing with the earth.

I wish they didn't use a fear-mongering tag-line: "By Far the Most Terrifying Film You Will Ever See." I don't think it is. It ends on a hopeful note, and makes us feel like we can do something about global warming. I will say, though, that pewtey & I were both surprised at the speed of the impact this is affecting the earth.

I'm no hippie, environmental greenie, that tells people what they are doing is killing the environment, etc. But we all, every person on this planet, especially those of us who plan on having kids someday, owes it to themselves to see this film. It's a film of global consequence. It was never boring. It's brilliantly done. If you weren't planning on it before, put it on your schedule, and GO.

For more information on where to see it, visit this website:
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