[Private to the following: Mia Fey, Harry Dresden, Flute, Flonne, Professor Layton, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Roxas and Namine // MODERATELY HACKABLE]
You guys, you guys!
I just now found this in my pocket...I think it might be a clue!
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You were missing the same time I was, right? Does any of that note ring a bell to you?
Sora... can I tell Mr. Clari about this?
If you think he can help us figure out what it means, sure!
[Private to Flute // Difficult]
Flute? I've been thinking and looking at the journals and...I'm starting to think maybe we disappeared because we'd been healing crab bites. I know we were both doing it a lot after the monster attacked.
I can't summon the Keyblade right now. I hope it's just because I feel sick, but...I'm really worried that whoever did this doesn't WANT us healing people! And that's bad news.
So if when we get our powers back...let's be even more secretive about it than we were before. Only talk to people about it in private. Maybe if whoever did this thinks we lost our powers for good, they'll stop with this disappearing stuff! I just hope they DO come back...
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