Sep 13, 2006 17:07
return of me.
Not a good couple of months. Having panic attacks. I have burnt out too early.
So I have decided to quit being a freelancer. Decided that it does not allow me to do what I am best at - working for a team. I have had an incredible 6 months - doing things that all graduates would just love to do - but its not enough really. I need structure, money and one of those life things that people keep talking about.
Going to start applying for jobs. Can you believe that since Uni I have not applied for one single job - in a whole year. How the fuck I have survived???!!!! I wonder if it is easy to get a job. I very much doubt it.
I'm back in Bridlington - had to leave Middlesbrough - it made me depressed. Fucking town is dump.
I would like to be a trainee Editor. Oh yes.
I will be posting more often now. Please do not delete. Doctor told me journal writing was a good thing. Some public some private- sorry if they get deep.