So I have finally ventured into the realms of Korean cooking and I think I've passed. I made a huge batch of mandoo kuk today, which is a dumpling soup. Granted it's more like mandoo kuk with a little Emma twist. I couldn't find any beef in the little market next to my house, so the broth is flavored with soy sauce and sesame oil instead of beef, soy sauce and sesame oil. But I think it turned out rather well, especially for one who has barely cooked anything. There was a lot leftover, so I packed them up in tupperware and they are now sitting in my little closet which has turned temporary fridge until I get one. There is a window in there that I keep open all the time since it's getting pretty cold out now. But yes, check out my cooking success...
Don't let the look of it fool you. It's really good.
Though I think I might have made too much...
My temporary fridge.
More happy news, I've officially bought my first piece of furniture. I bought a couch this weekend, so now I don't have to sleep on the floor anymore. My bed should be coming sometime next week, depending on when my friend Se Won orders it this week. But I'm so excited. My apartment is starting to feel more like a home now. I'm cooking and I have a couch. Once I get the bed and fridge, I shall be set. ^_^
But please, allow me to take you on a short tour of my new, very own apartment.
Here is the street that you walk up to get to my building. For the most part, it's a nice, quiet little street. My neighbors are sometimes a little loud though. Be careful to watch out for the many delivery scooters that like to zip up and down the street.
This is my building, number 21. Sorry for the sloppy picture. There was a car coming. And let me tell you, cars do NOT stop for pedestrians here.
Walk up one short flight of stairs and here we are at 204. My front door. Go ahead and knock. I'll be waiting on the other side with a big smile to welcome you in. I'm tempted to put something up on my door, though. It looks a little bare ...maybe I can get away with decorating it for Christmas.
The first thing you see upon entering my humble abode is my little kitchen, minus a fridge. No oven (as usual) but it's good enough for me. Here is where I shall cook good things for you to eat during your visit.
If you turn around, you'll notice the area where you should have taken off your shoes before stepping into my apartment. It is bad manners to enter anyone's house with your shoes on, and almost equally as bad to walk around with bare feet, so you must always wear socks or stockings. Though most people will have slippers available for those who are not wearing socks, I just haven't gotten any yet. The little cupboard on the left holds all my shoes (with plenty of room for more) and the closet on the right currently houses my clothes.
Directing your attention to the main part of the apartment, you will notice my pride and joy, my new couch. It folds down into a bed, so when guests come, they will have a place to stay. Go ahead push my laptop aside and have a seat, it's very comfortable. Though be careful not to trip over the piles of clothes in the floor. It's laundry day in the Kalka studio.
Of course, I must show off my one piece of artwork. I'm hoping to get it framed so that I can hang it on the wall over my bed. The window will hopefully get brown drapes soon, especially since a streetlight shines through it at night.
And as you can see, the apartment is still under renovation. Directly across from the couch is where the bed will go once it's delivered. I was lucky and found one with drawers in the bottom. Yay for more storage space, something that is surprisingly hard to come by in Korean apartments.
And here is my bathroom. It's a little bigger than typical Korean bathrooms, mainly because it is where the washer is. (As you can see.) The curtain separates protects the washer when the shower is on. As you can see, it is located in between the washer and the toilet.
And that concludes the short tour of my house. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed your visit. Hopefully next time I'll have some pictures of people. ^_^