(no subject)

Aug 22, 2012 17:12

I never used to understand stories about how people could become emotionally paralyzed after the loss of a child to the point of not being able to care for their other children appropriately. I understand now. I still take care of my children. Not as well as I should but I still let them know that I love them.

I haven't cried today. And I only cried three times yesterday morning. Bibi died. In his pictures, he looks so vibrant. His mother battled so hard and so long. I hope she will feel like she did everything.
I feel lost. But as if I'm walking in the right direction. I have detoured some which takes longer but I think I'll find where I'm supposed to be.
I have many solid friends. None are available all the time but many are available here and there and that works.

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