Dumb Luck

Jul 29, 2007 22:25

I'll get this party back started. LJ is all but dead, sadly.

So I got home from Cambodia about a week and a half ago. I won't re-hash all that cause it is in my blog. If you didn't know about it and for some reason want to look it up, holidayincambodia2007.blogspot.com. In retrospect, that's a really long URL.

The first few days were a total whirlwind. Wednesday (the day I arrived) is sort of a fairy tale to look back on; it was so good to see my parents and Ashley. We went to Pizza Hut, the mall, watched Tigers. Thursday was Lindsey's rehersal stuff and Mike's bachelor party. The party was a ton of fun but in my jet lagged state 1.5 beers had me spilling all over myself and telling people I loved them. Haha. I had a nice long convo with Danny Cetnar of all people.

Friday was the pre-wedding BBQ, which was a great time. Sat by the fire, swam a bit, ate a ton of food, the usual BBQ crap. Told dirty jokes. Saturday was the wedding. I was so ridiculously tired I almost passed out a few times during the ceremony. Thankfully I only had to stand for like 20 minutes or it would've been real trouble. My sister looked beautiful. I'm really happy for them both... they deserve what they have. The wedding was a real spectacle: we had this 12-year old violin prodigy (she's already starred at the Lincoln Center) do the processions, Evan Gatny -- currently of Berklee -- played guitar, and a girl from American Idol (she made it to L.A. and was on the show but got cut) sang. Spared no expense apparently.

The reception was great. I was pretty much done for until about 9PM, then I spent the rest of the night making a total ass of myself on the dance floor. I line danced to Sweet Caroline. Mike and Lindsey have good taste so we rocked out to Cut Your Hair, Hey Ya, Mr. Brightside. They played the Yeah Song by the Flaming Lips and John Labut gave a full operatic rendition of the bridge at full volume. My cousin got hammered and peed on the patio of Cherry Creek. She's 35 and has 3 kids. The usual stuff.

The week after I just chilled w/Ashley a lot. Nothing noteworthy but it was all good.

I was going to talk about albums I've listened to lately, but... oh well I'm tired now.

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