Thoughts on school shooting

Apr 19, 2007 12:28

1. I'm a cold hearted bastard I know, but I find the incredible volume of "VT" solidarity profile pictures on Facebook to be sort of amusing. This is terrible I know, yeah. People are just trying to show their support, be nice, whatever. But it's kinda funny. Admit it! It is touching, sure. It just reminds me of the post 9-11 Onion article "Not knowing what else to do, local woman bakes an American flag cake." It's official: I am now a cynic.

2. In his "manifesto," Cho Seung-Hui honestly sounds like Napoleon Dynamite. "There were like a hundred billion reasons why this could have been avoided." I was waiting for him to say something about "idiots," "buttloads of gangs at his school," and "having numchucks in my locker."

3. We had a nice long debate about gun control over the law school e-mail listserv. Cue the predictability police. No surprise that people would use a tragedy as a forum to spew their own beliefs about things. I know I can't wait for "Michael Moore presentsBowling for Columbine II: Charlton Heston Caused the VaTech Shootings."
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