May 22, 2004 17:07
Had some awesome dreams last night. Some of it was lost to the alarm clock, but I still remember some of the good parts, and they go as such:
I'm walkin in some dark woods with a friend, or two. Squinting, trying to find my way, I spy something down by my feet. I shove it, and it turns out to be a ferret. This ferret starts walking around, and as my eyes adjust, I see there are more. It looked like a very large family of ferrets, so I tell my friends to back off while I try to deal with these furries. So I pick the largest ferret, and tried to shove it off to the side with my foot, but that made it all pissy, so I stopped. As I stood there looking at the ferrets, I noticed they weren't much interested in me at all. In fact, they were rather pleasant. By now it's almost bright as day, in this nice wooded trail, and there are these happy ferrets walking with us, always seeming underfoot, but never being stepped on. Then there's all SORTS of little cute furries. Porcupines, badgers, chipmunks, they're all there. Then cute, little birdies start landing on my shoulders, which I was able to feel quite distinctly.
So, around the bend we come, and a beautiful lake comes into view. There's another animal, a moose in a rowboat, on the shore. He lies down in the boat, and it kinda drifts slowly out past a small dock offshore. On the dock are my parents and a couple of their friends.
*stuff happends, words are spoken, it's all kinda blurry*
Anyways, my Dad and I end up wrestling in water, 9 ft. deep. He's pushing me under, but I don't feel I'm suffocating. And I'm not angry at him, and he's not angry at me. I just... somehow knew he was SUPPOSED to be doing this. I didn't bother fighting back, because I knew he wouldn't let me up, so instead, I reach up and plug his mouth and nose until HE suffocates*. Anyways, I take him on shore, give him AR, he comes around, and that's the end of that.
There was also another part of my dream where all my friends were like "It's your Birthday!! You're 19!!" and I was like "It's not November yet, I'm not 19" and it kinda stopped right there.
So, I taught the new guy at work a life lesson today. New guy's name is Gary. Other guy's name is Humphrey. Now, Humphrey, he's quitting at the end of the month, after a good year or two working at the brewery, so, like all mischevious 20-something year olds, he feels the need to stir shit up before he leaves. To accomplish this, he goes about telling Gary that Steve (the other co-worker who's been working there for a LOOOOOONG time) thinks he's a pussy, blah blah, etc. I sit, and laugh, and tell Humphrey to stop being such a shit-disturber. Later, Gary and I are talkin about both Steve and Humphrey. Now, Gary doesn't like Steve because he thinks Steve is saying shit behind his back. I simply state "How do you know it's not Humphrey saying shit about Steve behind HIS back?"
Gary stops.
Gary looks off into the distance.
Gary nods, and says "Good point."
We continue to bottle beer.
*I think this means that my Dad is trying push 'life' on me. All the facts of the cruel, hard world, and how everyone's out to get me. I'm accepting his suffocation as a fact, and he's left stifled by my reaction. This could probably use some filling out, but I'm sick of typing.