Nov 27, 2004 13:20
I like movies. That said I decided to make a single stop on black Friday to get some $4.99 movies at Circuit City. Supprisingly enough, that is the who story. I went to Circuit City, bought some movies (the selection was limited because it was ~1:00pm), went to Wendy's (mmm, $1 menu), then drove home. I love knowing the backroads and not getting stressed out while driving.
Anyway, I picked up four movies for the sum total of $21.56. I go Demolition Man, The Bird Cage, Bowling for Columbine, and Donnie Darko. Now, I've seen the first two and heard good things about the third, but Donnie Darko was just a random buy because I think someone once said something to me about it. Oh my goodness, I think I have a new favorite movie. I empathize so much better with movies and their characters than I do with people in real life. And I just felt a connection with Donnie (I even teared up at the end.)
Well, I gotta go.