About time for an update.

May 24, 2010 18:52

I've gotten to where I only read LJ and hardly ever post anymore.

On that note, I find that I hardly sign on to chat messengers also.

I haven't been doing a whole lot, mostly just working out. I'm enjoying it though.

I ship out June 20th, but this date is as "rock solid" as my last date was. Currently I've got the SOWT(Special Operations Weather Team) job, but have been given a "99% chance" of picking up a Combat Control job tomorrow when the new job lists get to the recruiters. So fingers crossed on that one. They do the same training, but I think I will enjoy the CCT responsibilities more.

I've got the physical test in the bag every time I take it now, no more anxiety about that. I've been helping a guy get in shape to pass the TACP(Tactical Air Control Party) test, he tries again tomorrow. He has made some tremendous strides in the last month.

Tam is doing great. She can keep food down, but still has a bit of trouble when she takes her prenatal vitamin. We have the sonogram June 10th, finally get to find out what "Two" is. Chances are I'll still keep calling it Two, even after it's born though. We sort have decided on names, but we are still deciding for sure. We will get more serious figuring it out after we eliminate a gender.

Tam has got a decent job going, I'm still pulling unemployment and practicing Modern Warfare 2. She is going to stay up here and work as long as she can while I'm in Basic. I'll have to spend 6 months down in Biloxi doing some training, she will stay here for that too. I won't have much time to my self and we would both rather her be near family to help out with Two.

Hopefully I will get some free weekends to come home. I hate how much I'm going to be gone with the new baby but I'm not the first and I won't be the last that it happens too. I'm going to try to work it so when I'm done with Basic I won't start Special Operations Selection Course until after shes given birth. It is the only phase of training I can't leave in the middle of.

Overall everything is going well. Phoenix is enjoying "school" everyday and making friends. He is getting a lot more social, though the curiculam has to be borring as hell for him. They learned about "yellow" for a week. I really hope his ability to memorize long strings of numbers instantly(it took him all of 5 minutes to memorize Pi to the 30th digit and he can tell you everyones phone number that he has ever met) translates into being a gifted math student. He also has mastered the art of text messaging, we try to keep him some minutes on his phone just for texting. He has also gotten pretty familiar with email, I set him up his own Gmail account. Makes me curious how many 3 year olds have an email and actually understand it is used for communication. He also taught him self how to type on our keyboard that I blacked all the keys out on(so non touch typers can't use it).

Guess that is about it, hasn't been a really exciting past few months, but they have been nice. Everyone should have a wife.

We also have 2 new kittens, Jadzia and Ezri. They are awesome and make me feel like a 7 year old girl when they get in my lap. Spike doesn't like them at all.

I also miss fighting like crazy. I can't wait to be done with all the training so I can start going to a gym again.
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