First of all, apologies to everyone on my f-list. I know I said I'd catch up with all your posts. That was a week ago! S**t!
I'm on dial-up. And I'm beginning to think this must be the crappiest dial-up on the face of the planet! It wasn't this bad before. What is going on?!? Grrr! XP
I would consider myself extremely lucky already if I were able to post 2-4 comments, total! *rolls eyes* I don't know.
Anyway, I'll still try to read as much of the previous (recent) friends posts as I can. Please be patient (read: please don't hate me for not commenting! please!). I might still surprise you with a comment to an old (i.e., a 1- or 2-week old) post.
Wish me luck.
On a positive note, I like-y this LJ tag thingy, hmm. This way I could continue with this:
From '
The Internet Habits of the Four Houses of Hogwarts', under Hufflepuff:
11) Tried to be random. Did so in an orderly fashion. --> My case is actually: I'll continue to be random, but I do intend to be more orderly about it. =)
without having to use up the space in the subject line. Right. Good. Hee. =D