(no subject)

Sep 12, 2005 16:15

So today I am updating for yesterday and today. Sunday was uneventful. I didn't get up until ten, at which time I played Age Of Empires 2 for about an hour. Then I went and got breakfast. After that I came back to my dorm and played more Age Of Empires, roughly three more hours. After that got old, I sat around and did Calculus from about four to nine, not hard, just a lot of distractions. After that I watched tv, and then called Charlie back and talked to him for about an hour and a half, after which time my phone died. Talked to people until about twelve thirty, and went to bed. A relatively uneventful day.

Today I officially decided that I am going to change my major, even though my chem prof now thinks I am masochistic, and a junior I talked to thinks I am insane. But what the hell, I am bored, GIVE ME WORK. Oh, yeah, I am going to do a Chemistry/Physics Double Major. Here is what my next four years will look like:

Freshman Fall:
- Physics 1, Structure and Bonding, Chem. Lab, Calc 1, Great Ideas 1, Physics Freshman Seminar, First Year Program.

Freshman Spring:
- Physics 2, Chemical Equillibrium and Dynamics, Chem Lab 2, Calc 2, Great Ideas 2, Chem First Year Seminar.

Sophomore Fall:
- Differential Equations, Modern Physics, Modern Physics Lab, Spectroscopy, Spectroscopy Lab, Organic Chem 1.

Sophomore Spring:
- Calc 3, Theoretical Mechanics, Organic Chem 2, Organic Chem Lab 1, Foundation Computer Course, Foundation LS Elective.

Junior Fall:
- Thermal Physics, Electromagnetic Theory 1, Advanced Laboratory, Physical Chemistry 1, Biology Elective.

Junior Spring:
- Quantum Mechanics 1, Experimental Physics 1, Math Elective, Physical Chemistry 2, Instrumental Laboratory, (Seperation, Radiochemistry, Electrochemistry).

Senior Fall:
- Foundation Engineering Elective, Senior Seminar, Sdvanced Chemistry Elective or Thesis, Chemistry Lab Elective, Math Elective, Foundation LS Elective, TC Elective (No Idea what this is).

Senior Spring:
- Foundation Business, Senior Seminar, Advanced Chemistry Elective, Survey of Inorganic Chemistry, Foundation LS Elective, Foundation LS Elective.

So that is what the next four years of my life are going to look like as of tommorow. It shouldn't be that bad, might as well gat everything out of this as I can.

Other than that, there is nothing going on in my life. I have to go to the bank and prove to them that my name is not Travis Wisehart so that I can get at my money. Now though, I should probably start getting into good homework habits and get to work. Take it easy everyone. And sorry these are so boring.
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