Высокая печать: Сонет Шекспира №85

Feb 19, 2016 00:01

По случаю 400-летия со смерти Уильяма [нашего] Шекспира, Бодлианская библиотека Оксфордского университета попросила мастеров высокой печати со всего мира, прислать по одному примеру отпечатанного сонета.

Для своей скромной лепты, я выбрал сонет №85, в переводе Маршака.
As recorded in 1609 Quarto edition

My toung-tide Muſe in manners holds her ſtill,
While comments of your praiſe, richly compil’d,
Reſerue their Character with goulden quill,
And precious phraſe by all the Muſes fil’d.
I thinke good thoughts, whilſt other write good wordes,
And like vnlettered clarke ſtill crie Amen,
To euery Himne that able ſpirit affords,
In poliſht form of well refined pen.
Hearing you praiſd, I ſay ‘tis ſo, ’tis true,
And to the moſt of praiſe adde ſome-thing more,
But that is in my thought, whoſe loue to you
(Though words come hind-moſt) holds his ranke before.

Then others, for the breath of words reſpect,
Me for my dombe thoughts, ſpeaking in effect.

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