Nov 04, 2008 23:17
While I have much to say about how amazed and happy and joyful and indescribably ecstatic I feel about tonight's moment of history; I'll leave it to my mother to sum it up in her letter to me after I got home from canvassing and celebrating in Reno.
"Your belief in a man no one hardly knew was very strong from the start. You read everything you could about him. The day you decided to volunteer in his campaign, you explained to me why and how you listened to his speech and was so moved, that you cried.
"I remember listening to him at the Democratic Convention in 2004. You asked and invited me to come to a meeting at UNR -- I was so impressed with all the people there, all nationalities, young, middle age and elders. I supported your choice ... and out the door you went to canvass door to door in Reno and Sparks and worked at the headquarters making phone calls.
"Tonight is your night, son. Your belief in someone, no matter what anyone said about him, didn't sway you; it made you work harder to put his message across to people who were undecided or didn't understand.
"Congratulations Barack Obama and thank you, Alfred Walking Bull, for believing in him and being a part of that change we need by getting his message across so America can really be the land of the free once again!
"Love you,