On a whim, I checked the Wikipedia entry on
Jason Mraz, just to see what the old fratboy favorite has been up to these days.
And then, I saw this:
"Mraz has often collaborated and performed with funk-hip-hop-folk artist Billy 'Bushwalla' Galewood, a friend from Ohio who studied musical theater with Jason. They perfected their skills by jamming and freestyle rapping for hours while living in New York.
"He's also an outted homosexual.
"Together, they have written and recorded several songs, including 'Curbside Prophet', a track from Waiting for My Rocket to Cum which was later released as a promotional single. They both describe each other as one of their biggest influences."
So ... what?
Mraz is an outted homosexual? Bushwalla is an outted homosexual? Someone with nothing better to do than hate on the Internet has too much time on their hands? What?
Ambiguity is for the birds.
It's not that I actually believe this; in fact, Mraz has stated he's not gay or bisexual and dates the womenz.
This is what differentiates me from other gossip-mongers; in fact, I'm still a fan of believing Anderson Cooper is straight, because well, unless he says so otherwise, that's the default identity these days. It's not that I join the well-adjusted camp of "live and let live," in fact, I think Perez Hilton has a decent idea of knowing when to not take no for an answer. But, basically if you don't have the testicular fortitude to say, "Yes, I'm gay" then, you're really no good to The Community, are you?
But I do believe in having out personalities, mostly because I think it's important for young little LGBT kids out there to have entertainment figures with a public presence to look up to, know it's okay to be LGBT and who can be an ad hoc voicebox for the movement [see: T.R. Knight, evidently].
But really, it's like I saw a 14 year-old post on the Internet Movie Database: "Just because he's prettier than you doesn't make him gay."
While I could rip on the openness of Wikipedia, I'm just going to download some damn
Ari Gold. Now that's a musical Sodomite I can believe in!