video killed the radio star

Mar 08, 2005 02:21

I started on my very first music video in vid. editing class today...yep...a re-make of d.c's "soldier" doubt's off da' hook. i missed making grills out of gum wrappers

I've been listening to ace of base for the past hour and just realized every one of their songs has the same beat...they're still amazing so i will accept the instrumental lack of creativity on their part and embrace their talent of pure lyrical genius.

I'd also like to say that Spring Break scheduling is a travesty on the department of school districts. That is all I have to say about that.
But on a lighter note...i'm super excited about this and next week. South Padre wit' mah girls...livin' it up fo sho. Well, rather them livin' it up while i stay in and watch "cops" re-runs. I'm not into the whole party scene anymore, but we'll have fun no doubt. Then it's back to work...and when i say work i mean prison...and then Galveston which will be delightfully transcendent.

So I guess things are goin pretty well for the most part...i somehow nabbed an awesome boy, gettin in plenty of workin' time, building up something amazing with the man upstairs and i love my friends...what more can someone ask for. gonna be pretty busy fo sho like usual but hopefully i'll get to see mah peeps...holla atchya girl playas.
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