Publisher feedback of the day:
We love the mermaids, but can they be less mermaidy?
I paraphrase, but not all that much. Still, we have made it more manly by changing 'magic' to 'power' and 'jewels' to 'bones' and I'll be over here, quietly enabling gender-fascism because that's my job sometimes.
On the other hand, I have a near-perfect sample for a new project (OH GOD, FEEL THE RELIEF) and have had a good brainstorm for a new thing I think could be really fun. So, y'know. Not too shabby.
Excellent Portal cake. Video on composer Daniel Pemberton's website about writing film music, prominently featuring me (and the rest of CEFC) singing a track from The Awakening. Weird but genius Dark Knight Rises casting... theory? Thing. Observation.I thought Alberto Falcone was entirely plausible, altough
I had no idea about this episode in the Joker's life of crime. (I did know about
Lex Luthor and the 40 cakes - but conversely, I had no idea about the whale and Wonder Woman's shoes. I think that might be my favourite.)
FOUR DAY WEEKEND. Right now, going for a drink with work peoples - afterwards I'm off to cat-sit for Mabcat in Oxford, while all the people are at Maelstrom. I'm planning to get lots of writing done. I may even actually get some writing done!
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