Adaptations, remakes, sekrit knowledges

Mar 17, 2011 20:17

Two bits of entertainment news that I am HIGHLY AMBIVALENT about.

This article is all about how interesting that Netflix are putting their cash behind production of TV as well as distributing it, and don't get me wrong, that is very interesting and I'm interested. But the David Fincher/Kevin Spacey show that they're apparently bankrolling is a (presumably American-set?) remake of House of Cards.
Initial reaction:
Considered reaction:
... ehhhhh Kevin Spacey is like unto a god and I know plenty of people who feel the same about David Fincher. And it will be quite a different proposition set in modern-day America. But STILL. GUYS. GET YOUR OWN POLITICAL INTRIGUE.

Initial reaction:
WTF. How did I not know there was a Sandman TV show that was solidly enough in the works that we had already had the news that it wasn't happening?
Secondary reaction:
WAIT WHAT, this is actually happening?
Tertiary reaction:
On balance, I am entirely up for this, as long as Gneil is on board and they don't make it awful. Which i realise is a big-ish as-long-as. Also, apart from the characterisation and a few pet favourite storylines, I don't really mind what they do with it. Maybe that's blasphemy but actually I think I would happily watch a TV show that's just set in that universe with some of the same characters in which Sandman-esque things happened - the actual main plot, while great, is almost optional even in the graphic novels, because the significant bits come along in such tiny pieces.
If it's good it could be very very good. If it's bad, I will cry.

There is also this. I totally thought this was going ahead. I am so out of the loop, it's not even funny.

Meanwhile, speaking of Hollywood adaptations of beloved books, I have sekrit knowledge that isn't really all that secret (I mean for a start, everyone in our office knows) but I'm not allowed to tell the internet. Also, it means absolutely bugger all, except on paper. But it's still quite exciting to have a secret.

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comics, tv, squee, wtf

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