(no subject)

Dec 28, 2010 10:41

Le sigh. The general festiveness continues lovely, except that I now have to go out into the cold in search of a sink plunger. And I may well not find one. I suppose I should probably also look for a bucket. Still, at least we already have an abundance of coat hangers.

And after that I really really really really really need to come home and do some work and not play Starcraft 2 and watch Leverage or Doctor Who all afternoon. Starcraft is pretty awesome though*, and really bloody addictive.

*... mild irritating sexism aside. I'm just not used to such a, er, 'classic' male-dominated space marine environment I suppose. It's not that there are no women. To be honest I might've preferred that. On the battlefield all the women I've seen so far are medics and the things they say when you give them orders tend cringingly towards the 'ooh matron'. The only female MCs I've met so far are the pretty, nurturing, humanitarian scientist who needs your big manly marines to come and rescue her settlers and the love-interest-turned-abomination.
I mean, even Aliens, the model for most space marines from then on, in 1986, had at least one female space marine in their space marine band, and that's not counting Ridley. I guess I'm just used to my military sci-fi having a better mix, or at the very least a token female badass. Who isn't getting all her badassery from an alien insect in her brain and functioning mostly as an angst focus for our grizzled hero. I mean you can call her the alien commander all you like and it is true that she is clearly really badass, but narratively I'm not buying it.
And don't get me wrong, I like our grizzled hero - I also like our clean cut little gold braid wearing admiralty friend, and I quite like our massively untrustworthy cigar chomping convict mercenary friend. I like the armoury dude who looks a bit like a Tolkien dwarf, and I like the geeky research scientist who is all like 'yes I'm keeping this incredibly dangerous alien in a jar and I think it's hacking into our computer systems but I swear I will throw it overboard if I think it's going to do anything bad'. I like all the tropes individually.
I would just like the game as a whole more if the only female presences on my ship weren't the prettily worried scientist, the ship's computer lady who really doesn't count, and the holographic pole dancer.
Connectedly, it is the future and so far I have seen one black man. He had a lot of dreads and a semi-impenetrable accent and is a miner, not a soldier. I haven't played his level yet and he might turn out to be great, but still: one. I guess women are doing better out of this than I thought.
On the other hand, the evil propaganda news corporation used the phrase 'fair and balanced' to describe its reporting. Ahahaha I see what you did thar.

Right... shopping, sink, then ninjas. Yes.

This entry was originally posted at http://opportunemoment.dreamwidth.org/436845.html, you can comment here or there.

barad-dur, squee, sexism, games, sigh, starcraft, fail

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