(no subject)

Oct 12, 2010 18:05

Register with GP
Do some clothes washing
Do some washing up
Make dinner
(See me make a list of all the useful things I have done today so I look like I have achieved things. Yay me.)

Find all the post, which I have gone and left in piles in about four different places around the house
Sort the post into piles according to which thing it's about
Deal with one of the post piles
Maybe deal with more post, depending on how I feel about life
Things I have dealt with:
- one very good thing: final electric bill from Barking says we're about £300 in credit, which is nice, because it's almost exactly the amount I ended up overdrawn this month.
- another good thing: Barking council sent us three different letters, in three separate envelopes, to tell us the same thing - that they are paying us back £161. Which is fantastic but doesn't half make me despair for the environment...
- A WINNER IS ME: and now I have paid our first council tax installment for here and set up the direct debit. So that's another pile of paper that can go on the to-be-filed pile. Huzzah.
- remembered to sign and send off broadband contract
- ENFRANCHISEMENT WOO: we are registered to vote
- enfranchisement ouch: given myself a papercut on my tongue while sealing voter registration form :(
Go and arrange induction at gym (check me out doing things earlier than on schedule because it was convenient!)
Washing up (well, some, some is better than none)

10am Weightwatchers (I think this 10am thing is going to be v. good, for a start they SERVE TEA OMG, plus it makes me feel like I have achieved something first thing on WFH day which is always good.)
Find the electric meter and deal with the electricity post
Tidy and hoover living room
Find the receipt for the table
Look at the Barking situation. Don't have to sort it out, but do quite desperately have to stop not looking at it (I failed to find the table thing. I did get a letter, which said nothing about the table, and suggested that it would be reasonable for us to wait until they contact us about the wall to do anything else. So I am calling this looked at for the moment.)
Re-fuse the microwave
Move stuff around in the kitchen so the microwave is somewhere it can be plugged in (Hooray, soup and crumpets!)
Are the clothes dry yet? If so then do more washing.
Washing up
7pm Gym induction

Washing up
Tidy and hoover kitchen
Take J cheque to bank (forgot to get info from J yesterday)

Finish any leftover post, washing up etc. If appropriate, do some washing.
Go to choir, via probably an hour or so at my parents house where there will be dinner and cups of tea and cats and other nice relaxing things.

This entry was originally posted at http://opportunemoment.dreamwidth.org/430217.html, you can comment here or there.

success, housework, to do, lists

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