Everything will be fine. All manner of things etc.
I have sent off the application forms for the letting agents, with almost everything they asked. Hopefully it will be enough, and we will be all contracted up in no time, and/or I will be able to find out any other info they need easily...
My parents have brought round a pile of boxes, which will be handy, and took the broken table to the tip which was frankly amazing and wonderful. I have turned off my notifications from rightmove.com (hearty recommendation, by the way, for their thing where you can draw your own search area on a map. Genius.)
More things:
Remove and hide Sims disk. Y'know what, I could pack the fucker. In fact any time I find myself procrastinating in the next couple of weeks, whatever it is, I should just pack it.
(Connectedly: write a book. Delivery date = date of tenancy starting on new flat. Quite behind now. Aaaaaargh.)
To notify of move once it's for definitely definite: Electric, water, broadband, insurance, bank, work, doctor, gym, WW, Lovefilm
Arrange another visit after this week, so J can see the place!
Find out when Scott With Van can do moving
Take bags of charity shop stuff out of boiler cupboard and deliver to actual charity shop
Washing. Then other washing. After that? Washing.
Sometime when I have the spoons for more hanging on the telephone, try to ring the Barking landlords to complain one last time about the still-broken lock at Brook Court
In other news,
J says Odyssey was really awesome. Looks like a good time was had. :)