(no subject)

Sep 13, 2009 22:58

Buzzing around our window yesterday morning - the single biggest fucking bee I've ever seen. Seriously it is enormous. I keep trying to think of things it's the same size as, and failing. But it's about as long as a standard USB stick. It's like two normal sized bumblebees stuck together. Possibly in the name of SCIENCE.

... and I rescued it! I ROCK.


So the Metro tells me they're definitely doing a new Andrew Lloyd Webber Casts A Show series on the BBC. I will watch it because I kind of love these things - although it's Dorothy, and a) does she actually do that much singing?, and b) I'm sick of the song already, just thinking about it.



... BASTARD LJ ATE MY LINKS. I will put them back sometime but I honestly can't be bothered right now. You can put them into the youtube search box if you're all that interested.

Wil Wheaton honours Jonathan Coulton at PAX, presenting him with the Presidential D20 of Geekdom. This pretty much made my week. And then I went looking for other JC youtube videos...
Still Alive, of course. Live at PAX. Now - there's a version of this with Felicia Day doing the vocals, but the thing is the whole audience sings along and the cameraman's standing next to someone who's quite out of tune and so there's not much point. However, this one I found oddly moving, precisely because the entire crowd sings along. It's like a geek bonding ritual. And the camera pans round to show off all the geeks using their iPhones and mini computers like lighters at a rock concert. And it's like - and now, Jonathan Coulton will lead the congregation in our favourite hymn...
Two versions of The Presidents:
The recorded version - with slideshow of the Presidents themselves.
The live, post-Obama version in which he changes the ending, amends what I think is a fact he got wrong, and gets the words wrong a lot, which I find adorable.
Octopus - with visuals of someone doing some really cool octopus artwork to go with it.


I think I need to see Matrix Revolutions again. I've only seen it once and I can't remember how they managed to screw it up so badly. See, I was watching Reloaded yesterday, as you do, because it's kind of awesome, and thinking: this is a really great movie wrapped up in a really bad one. There are just so many awesome ideas about expanding the universe and how stuff works that they could've explored and didn't. And so many really cool moments that are immediately followed by stuff that's completely pointless, boring, badly-written or otherwise just NO. I kind of want reminding how badly they screwed up the follow-up on the cool stuff.


(I did warn you this post was random, right?)
Via the QI elves' twitter feed:


OK look, this is incredibly unfinished, as well as very random and a bit stupid - you have to imagine there's a whole bunch of colouring in on the second page. But since I just did it and then the stupid program crashed on me, I'm determined to post the bloody thing anyway.

Also the images will almost certainly resize weirdly so you can click on them make them actually visible.

Edit: WOAH those are some large size images. They shrink to a sensibe size though. I just fail at all of this today.

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