Argh I finished Empire of Ivory (the fourth Temeraire book) the other day. It was good - I think I liked it better than Black Powder War, slightly - but oh my god, twist ending wtf. *worries*
I want the fifth one, but I have several things I need to read first. Notably Empire in Black and Gold, The Pearls that Were His Eyes (Jessie pretty much thrust it into my hands and threatened me with torture and/or the silent treatment if I didn't read it), the rest of the Warriors books and Sisters of the Sword, The Book Thief and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim which work people have lent me, and urm, Twilight because I still feel guilty mocking it without having made the effort to actually read it.
Here's something awesome: Tahmoh Penikett had the first line filmed on Dollhouse. It had the word 'Dollhouse' in it. He managed to get it wrong. think it should play the right video but if not it's the one called 'Jossverse - Wallhouse')