Nov 26, 2007 11:44
If I do 2000 words a day all this week, I will finish my Nano on time. Finish in terms of word count, obviously - not at all sure what the hell I'm going to do about the plot.
Still. Wow. Doable, but difficult...
Also, Nanowrimo is slightly taking precedence over other things I would normally be doing at this time of year, particularly Christmas shopping. (OK, full time job also, how do real people have time to do protracted shopping outings?) Just... if it wasn't for Nano, I would, as The Todd would put it, totally be getting my Christmas on by now.
In other news, my work computer got swapped round and now I have The New Shiny Windows which is slightly terrifying. I love the Outlook calendar, it's pretty and surprisingly easy to use, but homg what happened to Word? It's all... it's... it's rather cool actually. Several things are now much easier, although way to go hiding the file menu up in the corner behind a shiny button. It's a good thing I a) mostly use keyboard shortcuts and b) pressed the shiny button because it was shiny...
nano 07,