Ohdear. The Harry Potter 7 cover designs are out and I am aware of them because of the metaquotes. The US one's kinda silly. The UK one is just ugly. I requote, because they have it about right...
the UK version,innocentsmith: "So, the Trio's made it to Ali Baba's cave, and are doing pretty well after that little mishap where Harry was attacked by a flock of seagulls, and the other little mishap where he drank a bad potion and aged 10 years. They've got the floodlights up, and Ron and Hermione have just slipped into the bathrobes they got in Marrakesh and are about to start filming their amateur Narnia movie, when suddenly one of the portals from "Time Bandits" opens up behind them and starts sucking them through. And as they fly backwards, with Ron and Hermione yelling at the top of their lungs (as you do) Harry catches sight of something on the opposite side of the room. Are those men...kissing?"
To which I would add, why does Hermione look like a blow up doll? At what point did she have time to put on that much lipstick? In slightly more conventionally plotly wonderings, what's with all the dragonny armour and why is Dobby about to stab Harry in the back with (I presume) Godric Griffyndor's sword?
And on
the US version,mouthfulofrain: "Judging by the US cover art, the final Harry Potter book will end with Voldemort and Harry doing the Macarena in the Coliseum."
Much less ugly, much more bland...