Aha! The internet is back. That's nice of it. It went away for a while (I believe my computer is pouting because it knows it's getting replaced soon) but now it is back, hooray. Hello internets.
The masquerade ball was lovely, though I spent a lot of the evening attempting to surrepticiously avert a wardrobe malfunction and squinting at people through a glasses-less haze trying to work out if I would have recognised them if I'd had my glasses on. It was beautiful and there were beautiful people and we won things.
anotherusedpage and I were king and queen of the ball and we got pocketwatches and it was the BEST THING EVER. I can't quite get over my pocketwatch, especially the fact that it works. I have a very pretty but very cheap pocketwatch that I bought from Camden which never did work properly. But, this, as well as being very pretty, and matching Jessie's, is functional. *snuggles it*
Not much else to report, really... did a little bit of looking at censuses (censi?) with
cottonwoolfairy and discovered that, yes, the Bests have lived in Cornwall since at least 1841 and in St Austell specifically since at least 1861. Also they're all called John and Richard and they were all china clay labourers (obviously, that being the main industry in Cornwall other than fishing) up til my great-grandad, who was a cooper.
Oh! And there was a concert. Child of Our Time and Spring Symphony. It went really very well indeed, at least all our bits did, apparently there were orchestra fuck-ups even beyond the ones I noticed and poor Susan Bickley got confused mid-Out On The Lawn I Lie In Bed. But our bits were fairly glorious, and I have heard the recording and it is amazingly clear and fantastic and we are pretty great really.
Next concert is Belshazzar's Feast by William Walton and The Desert Music by Steve Reich. If anyone is in London from 7pm on Saturday the 14th of April, come to the Barbican and see it it will be joyous. (Well, I know Belshazzar will be joyous, I don't know the Desert Music at all.)
Other singing stuff happened. We recorded some random stuff for a Classic FM/Alfie Bow CD at Abbey Road which was fun. Also they're doing some more Doctor Who soundtrack recording for the next series on this Thursday. There was faff, they asked too many people and had to turn 24 people down and one of those people was me so I'm not doing it. I am pissed off that I was asked in the first place if they didn't want me, but I guess not entirely crushed. Anyway, having been asked twice it becomes increasingly likely there might be another one one day.
And now, two memes.
B - BIRTHDAY: October the 10th. 1983.
C - CRUSHING: Depths. (Right now actually I am mostly crushing on Brandon Routh, because I am odd.)
anotherusedpage, because I know I don’t have to make sense I can just babble and she usually doesn’t mind.
F - FAVORITE BANDS: The Divine Comedy, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Dresden Dolls, Muse. (If I’m allowed singers I must also have Ani di Franco and Regina Spektor and at the moment Thea Gilmore.)
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Guuumy beeeeaaarrs…! Bouncing here and there and every wheeeeerre...! Um.
H - HOME TOWN: London
I - INSTRUMENT(s): Cello (Grade 2), Voice (in choirs), Piano (badly), Flute (three blind mice only).
J - JUGGLE: One ball at a time. Sometimes.
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Not in real life.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: 23 hours on a Greyhound Bus, across the boring bits of the USA (apologies to anyone who lives between Deadwood and Chicago)
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: God I haven’t had what you’d call a milkshake in years. Bleh. On the other hand, iced caramel macchiatos in the queue for the Proms this summer. Mmm.
O - ONE WISH: Continuing happiness.
foreverdirtQ - QUIET?: Shhhhh. You’ll wake the bears.
R - REASON TO SMILE: Beautiful pocketwatch of JOY.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: We Are The Gothic Archies, by, well, The Gothic Archies.
U - UNDERWEAR YOU'R WEARING? Knickers, Rigby and Peller bra, socks with Tuesday written on them.
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: Most of them, but especially celeriac. BLEAGH.
W - WORST HABIT: Food and excuses.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: As far as I know, none.
Y - YOUR NUMBER OF FRIENDS ON MYSPACE: I made a myspace account once but couldn’t figure out exactly what you were supposed to do with it. *cuddles LJ*
1.What's your full name?
Rosalind Jennifer Best
2.How old are you?
22. I think.
3.What are you doing with your life right now?
Procrastinating from freelance work and then wondering why I haven’t got any money.
4.What are you studying/did you study at university?
Joint Honours Creative Writing and Contemporary Culture. Flaky fun!
5.When you were little, what did you want to do when you grew up?
Actress. Pop star. Writer. Theatrical set designer.
6.What were you like at school?
Primary: A bit weird, performing-obsessed, short-tempered.
Secondary: Withdrawn, short-tempered, fat.
7.Right now, what do you want to do when you grow up?
Something behind the scenes in some cultural industry. I’ll settle for something publishey but my dream is to own my own independent cinema. I will show good blockbusters and interesting independent films and cool double-features and have a Rocky Horror Picture Show showing at midnight every Saturday.
8.Are you grown-up yet?
Nope. I’m working on it though.
9.What A-levels did you take?
English, History, Politics and about six weeks of Chemistry.
10.Sum up your university experience in five words.
Flaky. Geeky. Flooded. Movies. Weightwatchers.
11.What's the stupidest thing you've done, over the past two years?
Ohgod, I don’t know. Don’t really wanna think about it.
12.What are you most proud of yourself for, over the past two years?
Eh, I feel like this is a disappointingly normal answer, but it’s gotta be the losing of four stone.
13.What are your plans for the next couple of years, at the moment?
Get a job (still holding out for the wpl job but off job-hunting as soon as it turns out to be not forthcoming if it does), eventually earn enough to move out of home and in with
anotherusedpage. Um. Get a cat or two. Lose another three or four stone.
14.Is anything standing in your way?
Money and inertia.
15.Is money important to you? How important?
I think it’s more important than I think it is. I am very lucky, squarely middle-middle class and have never really have to think about it that hard. Even now, I’m not earning nearly enough to live off on my own but have a nice home with my parents I’m pretty comfortable staying in for the moment… I want to have enough to pay rent and bills on a relatively nice flat, and occasionally buy clothes and computer games. More would be nice but I’m probably not going to do anything you could call striving.
16.Name two ambitions, big or small, related to work/career/achievement thingy.
i) Earn enough to support myself (and
anotherusedpage and Theoretical Sprog if necessary)
ii) Own my own independent cinema.
I am fully aware that these two may be mutually exclusive.
17.Name three ambitions, big or small, NOT related to work/career/achievement.
i) Lose about four stone.
ii) Get to a point where I can say to people ‘I can play the cello’ without feeling like I’m lying
iii) Marry
18.Of all of the above, which is the most important to you?
Mm. 16 i) or 17 iii)
19.If everything fell through, what would you run away to do?
Live in
anotherusedpage’s cupboard. Even if she doesn’t want me there.
20.Since you're running away, what are you going to shove in your backpack before you go?
Phone and ipod (what? I may be bored), passport, bank info stuffs, any money I can get my hands on, Jessie’s sword, clothes.
21.What are you most looking forward to over the next twelve months?
Ummmm. There are things that might not happen and things that will happen but don’t really seem big enough.
22.What are you most looking forward to over the next five years?
Living with Jessie.
23.What do you wear in bed?
Knickers and a t-shirt.