Apr 04, 2008 03:45
Ever listen to a song over and over and then all the sudden you're like--holy shit, I get it now?
I've been on this crazy Modest Mouse kick. I had their latest CD for about eight months now, only listened to it a little when I first got it, but since I bought others at the same time, it fell on the back burner while I indulged in the new Stills album, I think. I had Fire It Up stuck in my head the other day so decided to give the CD a go while taking the bus to work. I think I only really listened to the first half of the album because if I did listen to the rest, I would've been stuck on this for months already! Shit, yo. It's great. It's dark, and gritty and wonderful. There's nothing wrong with a band going "pop" anyway. I don't think it really pop though. If it is, boy has the radio changed since I've last heard.
So anyway, listen to Steam Engenius. I could go off on some related tangent about the ridiculousness of organized religion and how there's no such thing as a True Believer, everyone sins in the eyes of a book thats terribly outdated. I just don't understand why you you would read something that's been completely spoiled. He dies at the end. And Bruce Willis is actually dead. Sorry.
There's other great songs on the album too. From Missed the Boat on, every song is great. The beginning is good too, I guess. I usually skip over it and head straight to We Got Everything because I love the line "Well look at our boat in the bay, it looks like some sad ass little canoe". Maybe it's the delivery but its hilarious. Piggybacking on Matt's entry of we're all little overeducated turds that think we know everything, the song does ring pretty true to that ideal. And just connecting the idea to my favorite line evar, that's exactly the realization we're going to have in a few years, huh?
I feel like I need to start reading again. I miss being able to be like, "Well, in the book I just read..." I have a Palahniuk, a book of short stories compiled by David Sedaris and an Augusten Burroughs book. Sadly, they're holding my TV to the correct height for watching TV before I go to sleep. Decision to make in the near future I think. Speaking of, I have to file my taxes still. I'm so on top of things. Eight days. Fuck.
And today made me want to be like fuck this I'm going home. I came in a half hour early to work so I would be able to eat a meal around dinner time so I wouldn't be starving by the time I got home. As I'm walking through the area I get called over by my coordinator that I have to hurry back to costuming and change. There goes eating well. Then I walk in to Head to Toe and there's a broken machine and no hotel orders done that had to be done. Mind you I came in at 5pm and all hotel orders go out the second the park closes, 8:30. So I hurry and do two and run them down to package pick-up because I thought, and confirmed that the last pick-up was at 6:30 so I must've just missed them. After getting yelled at by Larry that "three cookies" came down before me and we need to talk to our manager at this, I know now that pick-up time is 5pm. It wasn't very busy so that part of the night was fine, no big mishaps with the machines, besides the aforementioned broken one. Some jackass tried changing a needle and unscrewed the piece that holds it in too far thus dropping it and the two washers that are right above it. All pieces were recovered with the exception of the screw, which I found after a half second of looking, mind you. So I fix needle 4 and then find that one, two, three, six and eight are broken too. The eyes are off on two of them and two more needles aren't threaded properly. Its like monkeys were working in the morning. Plus they took needles out of the other machine, but didn't replace them. Whoever was there in the morning, should never be in Head to Toe ever again, and I will waste no time telling every manager that. I have never in my life seen more than two needles break a day. On a busy day.
Its just really frustrating being around people that aren't detailed oriented and just don't get it. It's a big deal if you hit the hoop. It's a big deal of you put a spool in the wrong place on the machine. You can't teach old dogs new tricks, honestly. I don't care if Mythbusters proves me wrong. I'm done complaining.
And to end on a high note, I think coming home in May makes much more sense. I don't feel like I would ultimately be happy living down here for the rest of my life, so the quicker I leave the better I think. At least I think that right now. I pretty much had an anxiety attack before thinking about going home in September and what it would entail. I would have to get my permit renewed, my mom gets her caseload at the end of August so her time we be stretched thing, it would be harder to find a job in August as opposed to May...the list goes on. Plus I don't want to miss those Asia Pub/McSorley's trips. I swear that reason is in my top ten.
There's no point in me going to sleep right now. Frick.